wiretap ['waɪətæp]  [ˈwaɪrˌtæp] 


wiretap 基本解释

动词 搭线窃听,窃听或偷录

名词 窃听或偷录,窃听情报,窃听装置

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wiretap 网络解释

1. 窃听:对有线电话搭线窃听(wiretap)、安装窃听器(bugging)、电子监听(electronic surveillance)等,这些手段被侦查机关用来秘密听取侦查对象的口头通讯内容. 秘密监听手段的采用与电话的使用相联系,移动电话技术的发展扩大了人们对手机的使用,

2. 窃听器:wiresounding 有线探测 | wiretap 窃听器 | wiretron 线型变感元件

3. 秘密接头 窃取情报窃 窃听装置:wiretach 铁钉 | wiretap 秘密接头 窃取情报窃 窃听装置 | wiretelegraphnetwork 有线电报网络

4. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

4. 窃听装置:guise 装束,外观(假装,借口) | wiretap 窃听装置 | search algorithm 搜算法

wiretap 双语例句

1. wiretap的意思

1. I'd wiretap him, too.

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. Question. lf you don't know where Leela is, how can you wiretap her?

3. Wiretap also features two modes of operation: Stealth Mode and Normal Mode.

4. 好好学单词·英语单词

4. Because the wiretap tool can intercept and seize the data on the network effectively, it results the network and information's security problems.

5. The encryption application can prevent important or private information from interception or wiretap on the Internet.

6. A federal judge for the first time authorizes a wiretap of a computer network.

7. Now, l could find Leela, but you'll need to authorize a wiretap.

8. wiretap

8. The traditional model of wiretap channel was extended to the multi-carrier system, and the exact expression of the secrecy capacity over multi-carrier wiretap channels was obtained.

9. It cited the case in which a wiretap under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which governs electronic spying in terrorism and intelligence cases, was disrupted due to an overdue bill.

10. Moreover, military communication cables may be distinct targets of wiretap and attacks from the enemy states.

11. A telephone company cut off an FBI international wiretap after the agency failed to pay its bill on time, according to a US government audit released on Thursday.

12. wiretap的近义词

12. To verify and characterize the secrecy capability of multiplicative noise, we propose a random beamforming security scheme in MISO wiretap channel.

13. For the one-way relay wiretap channel, the secrecy performance of relay network with different forward protocol, cooperative protocol and power allocation strategy is investigated.

14. The wiretap, the electronic eavesdroppers would have public approval.

15. But using wiretap is at price of infringing the citizens basic right.

16. wiretap的意思

16. The most straightforward way to do this would be to force technology companies to build " back doors " into their services, making it possible to " wiretap " an online exchange as if it was a conversation via telephone.

17. As a result, the application of wiretap has to weight the benefits and values, follow a comparison principle and carry on law rules and regulations.

18. But with reports of the FBI opening an investigation into possible wiretap violations, it is now the school district who has to worry about scrutiny.

19. But amid all the talk that Inter may have been behind a plot to wiretap De Santis and later blackmail him, let's not lose sight of the excitement currently being generated by Juventus in Serie B.

20. wiretap的解释

20. We also study the robust wiretap transmission problem for the case with a quality of service constraint at the legitimate receiver.

wiretap 词典解释

1. 搭线窃听(电话)
    If someone wiretaps your telephone, they attach a special device to the line so that they can secretly listen to your conversations.


    e.g. The coach said his club had wiretapped the hotel room of a player during a road trip.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 tap
...allegations of wiretapping.

wiretap 单语例句

1. His defense team had insisted that hours of FBI wiretap recordings were just the ramblings of a politician who liked to think out loud.

2. Within two weeks, government lawyers were already discussing ways to wiretap US conversations without warrants.

3. President has for dozens of times authorized the National Security Agency and other departments to wiretap some domestic phone calls.

wiretap 英英释义


1. the act of tapping a telephone or telegraph line to get information

    Synonym: tap


1. tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information

    e.g. The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy
           Is this hotel room bugged?

    Synonym: tap intercept bug


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