worship [ˈwɜ:ʃɪp]  [ˈwɜ:rʃɪp] 


worship 基本解释

及物动词 崇拜,尊崇; 爱慕

不及物动词 做礼拜; 热爱; 爱慕; 崇拜(尤指达到看不到缺点的地步)

名词 崇拜; 礼拜; (对治安官或市长的尊称)阁下; 尊敬

worship 同义词


worship 反义词

名词 contempt

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worship 相关例句


1. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

1. Christians worship God.

2. The Greeks used to worship several gods.


1. She became an object of worship.

2. We attended worship this morning.

worship 网络解释

1. 礼拜:在这一天,人们通常要举行游行,教堂礼拜(worship )和聚餐(dine together)等活动. 母亲节作为一个感谢母亲的几日并没有在一个固定的日期. 在美国,五月的第二个星期日作为母亲节,母亲们在这一天通常会收到礼物. 康乃馨(carnation)被视为献给母亲的花.

2. 膜拜:但笔者认为这些礼仪并不都是王朝祭礼的内容,王朝祭礼应指其中渊源于原始宗教,后来服务于王朝论证自己的存在合法性及实现教化和伦理需求的那些祭祀(sacrifice)和膜拜(worship)的礼典(ceremony),它包括对天地百神的祭祀,

worship 双语例句

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. XuShu three pillars and lit incense, bow, expression, empty worship the solemn worship.

2. Unicorn is the human imagination masterpiece, the folk custom of unicorn worship is one kind of important folk belief, one kind of outstanding cultural heritage of china nation.

3. But they have not been caught up in the hero-worship seen in, say, parts of Europe.

4. Did she think he'd somehow be less worthy of her stupid hero-worship if he were gay?

5. However, I would agree with you that things should not be blown out of proportion for hero-worship and to attack the C. O.

6. Lin Zhi: Do I detect a hint of hero-worship there?

7. worship的反义词

7. The shift from hero-worship to celebrity-worship occurred around the turn of the century.

8. The shift from hero-worship to celebrity-worship occurred around the turn of the century. It was closely tied to the rise of new forms of media --- first photography, and later moving pictures, radio and television.

9. The ancient Greek sun god Apollo, the Chinese mythology, on the radio after the game, it represents the supreme worship of the sun and the fear.

10. Process-home New Year, the square shows, into the courtyard wish worship, sit lights Officer pressurejie zhen evil, burn incense and sacrifice wind garden light field, spinwang huo, way over a series of programs.

11. We have seen his star in the east and have come to give him worship.

12. Step drum festival to worship杀牛by the ghost division worship, mouth levied.

13. worship的意思

13. We have a duty to offer public worship to God.

14. O, shall I worship, too, your snow and rime

15. danci.911cha.com

15. The questions David raised in verse one of Psalm 15 were no doubt prompted by his concern to establish the true worship of God.
      提要 大卫之所在诗篇第十五篇一节中提出这些问题,毫无疑问,是因他关心如何建立对上帝的真正崇拜。

16. Since you can realize that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to worship in Jerusalem.
      24:11 你能确知,从我上耶路撒冷敬拜,到今日不过有十二天。


17. But first if you've got a decent chunk of money to blow on a gift for someone and you want them to make an alter at your feet and worship you daily (actually this gift is probably best for women or retrosexuals - yeah I made that term up) you might want to check out the concept of a Creme Brulee scented bubble bath.
      但是首先如果你有大把的钞票要去为某人花大钱买一样礼物,你想让他们折服于你脚下,每天都崇拜你(事实上这件礼物可能最好给女人或者性欲退化的人-是的,我造了个术语),那你就可能要去了解一下Creme Brulee香味泡沫浴的概念。

18. danci.911cha.com

18. These four commandments concern one's relationship with God and worship of God.

19. In his works, we can see how it presents the details required by photographic techniques, and it also shows us a lonely faquir worship and travel in the vast land.

20. That name, it will be remembered, was one of the pieties of his soul; he mingled it with the name of his father in his worship.

worship 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 worshiping, worshiped

1. 敬奉(神)
    If you worship a god, you show your respect to the god, for example by saying prayers.

    e.g. I enjoy going to church and worshipping God.
    e.g. ...Jews worshipping at the Wailing Wall.

At the end of the service, scores of worshippers streamed down to the altar.

2. 崇拜;景仰;热爱
    If you worship someone or something, you love them or admire them very much.


    e.g. She had worshipped him for years...
    e.g. They worship James Brown, Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix.

worship 单语例句

1. The grateful local people cast an iron statue of the lion to worship.

2. Totem worship reflects religious psychology of the primitive era, for the purpose of seeking fortunes and getting rid of catastrophe.

3. The choreographer creates a dance to showcase the Basha people's worship of trees, equating human life cycles with those of trees.

4. Americans who seek counseling from a member of the clergy, usually have to seek them out in a setting connected to their place of worship.

5. The comings and goings of the different cultures is most apparent in the town's worship places.

6. Detainees came out from the Garhi Shahu worship place after police complete operation against terrorists.

7. Perhaps the most obvious change in idol worship this century has been the adoption of Chinese as idols by people of other nations.

8. The Naxi's affinity to nature extends beyond their worship and respect of the surrounding mountains, trees and streams.

9. This growing money worship is taking young Chinese in a dangerous direction that may lead to the degradation of our society.

10. The ancient deity totem Sun Bird represents the worship of both the sun and bird.

worship 英英释义



1. the activity of worshipping

2. a feeling of profound love and admiration

    Synonym: adoration



1. love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess
    venerate as an idol

    e.g. Many teenagers idolized the Beatles

    Synonym: idolize idolise hero-worship revere

2. show devotion to (a deity)

    e.g. Many Hindus worship Shiva

3. attend religious services

    e.g. They worship in the traditional manner


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