wreak [ri:k]  [rik] 


wreak 基本解释


及物动词 造成(混乱或破坏); 实施(报复)

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wreak 相关例句


1. The survivor was determined to wreaked her revenge on the murderer of her family.

2. wreak

2. She wreaked her bad temper on her son.

3. wreak

3. They have wreaked dreadful havoc among the wildlife by shooting and trapping.

4. The wind will wreak havoc on my garden.

wreak 网络解释

1. 发泄:wrathy 盛怒的 | wreak 发泄 | wreath 花圈

2. 发泄,报复:891. water-tight 防水 | 892. wreak 发泄,报复 | 893. configuration 组态

3. 泄露,发怒:ferry 轮渡 | wreak 泄露,发怒 | leak 漏

4. 发泄怒火,报仇:waylay埋伏,伏击 | wont 习惯,习俗 | wreak 发泄怒火,报仇

wreak 双语例句

1. Conversely the immediate aim of criminal legislation cannot be any of the things which are usually mentioned as justifying punishment: for until it is settled what conduct is to be legally denounced and discouraged we have not settled from what we are to deter people, or who are to be considered criminals from whom we are to exact retribution, or on whom we are to wreak vengeance, or whom we are to reform.
    相反,刑事立法的直接目的不可能是通常所提到的证明惩罚之正当性的任何东西:因为只有确定了什么行为应受法律谴责与遏制,我们才能确定我们要遏制人们实施什么样的行为,应把什么人视为我们使之遭到报应的罪犯,对什么人施以报复或[MSOffice9] 对什么人进行改造。

2. C onversely the immediate aim of criminal legislation cannot be any of the things which are usually mentioned as justifying punishment: for until it is settled what conduct is to be legally denounced and discouraged we have not settled from what we are to deter people, or who are to be considered criminals from whom we are to exact retribution, or on whom we are to wreak vengeance, or whom we are to reform.

3. Use the 23 unique bonuses to wreak havoc, including the devastating Aqua-Gun, which fires an expanding ring of water-bullets.

4. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

4. Thus shall my anger spend itself, and I will wreak my fury upon them till I am appeased; they shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken in my jealousy when I spend my fury upon them.

5. wreak

5. Supply chain planning tools deliver potentially tremendous savings when well implemented, and wreak havoc when they fail.

6. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

6. In addition, because technology arrangements also wreak havoc on the anodized finish.

7. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

7. Off-balance-sheet vehicles that suddenly return to the balance sheet to wreak havoc make a mockery of principles of disclosure.

8. Make havoc of sth, wreak/have havoc with sth

9. Timid people always wreak their peevishness on the gentle.

10. wreak的意思

10. The stakes are enormou s: An increase measured in tens of centimeters could wreak havoc for hundreds of millions of people living in low-lying deltas and island nations around the world.

11. Sports drinks can rehydrate you after a workout, but they also may wreak havoc on your teeth.

12. He was determined to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.

13. wreak什么意思

13. His hard work wreak s havoc in his personal life.

14. wreak在线翻译

14. Choose your monster and prepare to wreak havoc for those who get in your way!

15. I am determined to wreak vengeance on John.

16. wreak的解释

16. While that research may be helpful, it can wreak havoc on your production plans.

17. Further, the performance of our economy from 1979 to 1983 illustrates the havoc inflation can wreak.

18. wreak

18. For some this can wreak havoc and throw the rest of us into positions of support to help them.

19. We should wreak a terrible vengeance on our enemies.

20. wreak

20. If you ever try to use it against me, I shall deny it vehemently and then find a way to wreak my vengeance upon you.

wreak 词典解释

The form wrought can also be used as the past participle. 过去分词亦可使用wrought。

1. 造成(混乱或破坏)
    Something or someone that wreaks havoc or destruction causes a great amount of disorder or damage.

    e.g. Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera, leaving three people dead and dozens injured...
    e.g. The mountains are studded with dams, any one of which could wreak destruction in the valley below.

2. 实施(报复)
    If you wreak revenge or vengeance on someone, you do something that will harm them very much to punish them for the harm they have done to you.

    e.g. He threatened to wreak vengeance on the men who toppled him a year ago.

3. see also: wrought

wreak 单语例句

1. Rising waters in Sindh province threatened to wreak havoc in Pakistan in a catastrophe that may help Islamist militants gain supporters.

2. It causes the animals and insects on display to come to life and wreak havoc.

3. If your enemy is portrayed as less than human, then you can wreak terrible cruelty on them with a clear conscience.

4. Scientists say the testing requirements fail to detect dangerous toxins such as lead, which can wreak havoc on major organs and may retard children's learning abilities.

5. Aware of the devastation pollution can wreak both on the environment and the company itself, it has been trying out different ways to minimize environmental hazards.

6. However, it didn't wreak havoc on the province's World Heritage Sites.

7. Xiaguan is right in the path of the summer typhoons, and an average of three will wreak annual havoc on life and property each year.

8. Wrong, but pointed to the potential to wreak havoc in couples.

9. Oil spills can wreak havoc on sea life, fishing and tourism.

10. Unbridled development can wreak havoc on the environment, and we all know it.

wreak 英英释义



1. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence

    e.g. I cannot work a miracle
           wreak havoc
           bring comments
           play a joke
           The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area

    Synonym: bring work play make for


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