wrecked [rekt]  [rekt] 


wrecked 基本解释


毁坏[毁灭]某物( wreck的过去式和过去分词 );使失事,使遇难,使下沉;

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wrecked 网络解释

1. 失事的:wrecked ship 失事船舶 | wrecked 失事的 | wrecker 打捞人员

2. 残破的:wreathe 成圈 | wrecked 残破的 | wrecker 寻觅失事船只者

3. 报废的;破的:impetus 原动力;促进,激励; | wrecked 报废的;破的; | inherent 内在的;固有的;

4. 失事:earthquake n. 1. 地震 2. 动乱 , 大震荡 | wrecked 失事 | Haiti n. 海地

wrecked 双语例句

1. wrecked

1. It wrecked his car, but he was wearing his seat belt and that saved his skin -- he walked away without a scratch.

2. wrecked的近义词

2. I can pass as one of the sailors wrecked last night.

3. The toll from bombing was all too visible in the factories laid flat, the railroad yards, bridges, and harbors wrecked, and the cities in ruin.

4. wrecked的翻译

4. Because of this, the lives of those not suited for school is distorted and those who are educable do not get the most out of their education because the experience is wrecked by the others who are resistant to the institution.

5. At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque c heque.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Sylvain Wiltord: He is a terrific player but the ankle injury wrecked his season and he has not been able to get into the team too often.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Many a ship has been wrecked on those rucks.

8. I could see our ship, but it was wrecked and there was no-body near it.

9. After all, he was on the second floor and the house was completely wrecked.

10. Confined to sex, we pressed against The limits of the sea: I saw there were no oceans left For scavengers like me. I made it to the forward deck. I blessed our remnant fleet ‥c And then consented to be wrecked, A thousand kisses deep.

11. Of course, it symbolizes a wrecked sense of beauty.

12. Fifteen years later another cabin cruiser was caught in a storm and wrecked on this same island.

13. wrecked在线翻译

13. Ryo is faced with the humiliation of the dojo being wrecked and the students in the dojo being defeated and wounded.

14. wrecked的近义词

14. At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the op aque cheque.

15. The playwright's disclaimers notwithstanding, the dramatic corpus of Liudmila Petrushevkaia sharply condemns the havoc wrecked on Soviet society by its government.

16. The wrecked coach lay aslant the railway track.

17. wrecked

17. He saw with horror the pit into which he had fallen. He thought of his degraded days, dead hopes and wrecked faculties.

18. Oh, my God! I wrecked your baby!

19. Car accidents have wrecked great damage on man's properties, some of which even claimed the lives of myriad people.

20. However not many people know what ecotourism truly is, many mass tourism are masked in the name of ecotourism and wrecked havoc on the sites. CA

wrecked 单语例句

1. Many passengers climbed out of the wrecked train cars shortly after the accident, some wrapping themselves in bedsheets from the sleeper cars in the early morning chill.

2. Explosions have wrecked the British consulate and a bank in Istanbul, following blasts at two synagogues in the city last week.

3. He said the only way to minimize the destruction wrecked by a natural disaster was through preparation based on satellite data.

4. One million people were displaced by the storm and an unknown number lie dead in their wrecked homes.

5. All responsibility for the wrecked ship should be taken by the ROK side, as the ship's own problems were to blame for its demise.

6. She falls in love with a handsome boy, but their romance is wrecked by a local despot.

7. It is even more difficult to do so in those wrecked by conflict and violence.

8. It said landslides have wrecked railway lines and roads while electric lines have snapped.

9. Fire engines smothered the Boeing 777 in foam after it landed with its wings extensively damaged and its undercarriage wrecked.

10. Fourteen people have now died in the past three days, mostly in flash floods that wrecked hill towns west of Brisbane.

wrecked 英英释义


1. destroyed in an accident

    e.g. a wrecked ship
           a highway full of wrecked cars


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