yap [jæp]  [jæp] 


yap 基本解释

不及物动词 <贬> (尤指小狗)尖叫,狂吠; <非正>(对一些无关紧要的事)哇啦哇啦地说个不停

名词 (狗的)乱吠声; 讨厌的人;年轻无赖;歹徒;蠢汉; 〈美俚〉发牢骚,叫嚷; 废话;笨蛋;嘴

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yap 相关例句


1. His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long.


1. They heard a yap and ran out of the house.

2. yap在线翻译

2. What a yap he was, he did not know how to whisper.

3. I told her to shut her yap.

yap 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 雅浦:OSRAE) 雅浦(YAP)整箱、拼箱、散货-低价货运联系EMail: headoffice@aeolus-sh.com手机/电话: 021-65854025 发布时间: 2007-03-16 13:22:15请帮我们评判这条信息 分类错误违禁信息 垃圾信息 提示1.要求先付定金、部分货款或异地汇款、银行转帐的非本地交易常常有问题2.卖家有手机的,

2. 雅浦岛:南马都尔 (Nan Madol) 遗迹所在的澎贝岛 (Pohnpei,旧名波纳佩岛[Ponape]),为太平洋上的小岛,位於关岛东南方大约1500里处;与雅浦岛 (Yap)、科斯拉耶岛 (Kosrae)、春克岛 (Chuuk)等岛屿,同属密克罗尼西亚联邦.

3. 狂吠:Yaounde 雅温德 | yap 狂吠 | Yapese 雅浦人

4. 雅浦群岛:Western Samoa 西萨摩亚 3 | Yap 雅浦群岛 3 | Yemen,Repulic of 也门共和国 5

yap 双语例句

1. Mr Yap and I made a wish, and if I am not mistaken we threw Euro1 coins.

2. yap

2. Year ago (12 May 2007), Mr Yap and I had our first Europe Tour in our life.

3. Mr Yap and I were not an excetion.

4. Without hesitation, Mr Yap and I also replied them the same manner.

5. yap

5. In order to accommodate the Twin Churches into the photo, Mr Yap had to squat while I had to really stand right in front of the lens.

6. Quite heavy. Mr Yap, sorry ah......

7. What a yap he was, he did not know how to whisper.

8. What a yap he is, he does not know how to whisper

9. yap在线翻译

9. What a yap he be, he do not know how to whisper.

10. Representativeness users: bamboo industry - Hangzhou Dazhuang, an AGB wind, Sichuan Shengda, Fu Hsin Chong Tai, Anhui Yap, Anhui boya, Fujian Nanping Bamboo Arts, Anguiano letter, Jiangxi Thai Arai, Jiangxi Qingyun, Nanjing, the source of the United States and solid wood flooring - Shanghai Anxin, Tetraena, Fillinger, Huajing Wood, Shaoxing Fu profit Jie Jin Huzhou Antique Flooring - Zhejiang World Friends, Yongji, Nanxun Green home, Jiashan Yuhua, Yixing Senmao multi-layered solid wood compound - bang thick Guangdong, Hong Tat, North America Maple conditions, Xuzhou Weide, Foma Wood, voda Wang wood, fulin Guangzhou, Chengdu Fuessen, Zhejiang, Jilin Fuessen wood, Jilin new wood Wo, Tianjin Masamori three composite - Dalian Jinlong Wood, ¤Group, Changchun New Hopewell, Dalian Branch MOORE, Hangzhou Jia Sen V-type multi-layer wood composite - Tianjin Foya Group, Jiaxing Liangyou wood, woodJiashan decorative printing plate - a new upsurge in Shanghai, Jiangsu, East China Group, Changzhou Ouda, Shanghai Hongtai, Hangzhou Jia Sen cork floor - the five-star Xian, Shanghai, Dili high-power, plastic Aili Zhangjiagang, Nantong Shi Sen-hao Flat Panel Furniture - Beijing Peugeot, Shandong Liuzhou large group, onDayton, Jiangsu Collected, Magnolia, Lianyungang Meigo plastic decoration - on, creators, ·Shanghai, Beijing, benefits Tatsu, Zhangjiagang Yi Hua, silicon Calcium boards - Xuzhou Units Rong Xinjiang Sargent building materials, Xuzhou Tin Yat building materials, decorative materials Dragon, modern decorative products, such as thousands of users, has become Asia's largest manufacturer of coating machinery.

11. yap在线翻译

11. Yap, she`s my kind of fashionista

12. yap在线翻译

12. Yap, I am always avoiding, Coz I lack of the courage to confront the thorny standing in my way.
      杂谈 我是不是总是在刻意避开什么?Quarter-life Crisis是不是真的存在?

13. Joey Yap is also the bestselling author of over 25 books, including Stories and Lessons on Feng Shui, BaZi – The Destiny Code and its sequel, BaZi – The Destiny Code Revealed, Mian Xiang – Discover Face Reading, Feng Shui for Homebuyers Series, and The Art of Date Selection – Personal Date Selection, which topped the Malaysian MPH bookstores` bestseller lists.
      Joey Yap 是玄明馆的创办人以及主导师。玄明馆为一家跨国机构,致力于传授风水、八字、面相以及其他各种中华术数。同时,他也是Yap Global Consulting的总顾问。而Yap Global Consulting则是一家国际咨询公司,专门提供风水与命相审核服务。

14. It's Mr Yap la......

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. Thus it is possible that YAP plays an important role in the development of many different types of cancer.

16. Yap, but I`m not interested in it anymore.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. Yap, that's the right answer.

18. I told her to shut her yap.

19. I never think that 1 day I could be here, with my darling Mr Yap.

20. They heard a yap and run out of the room.

yap 词典解释

1. (小狗)狂吠,汪汪乱叫
    If a small dog yaps, it makes short loud sounds in an excited way.

    e.g. The little dog yapped frantically.
    e.g. ...two yapping cairn terriers.

2. 哇啦哇啦地说个不停;瞎扯
    If you say that someone yaps, you mean that they talk continuously in an annoying way.


    e.g. The guy just loves to yap, and will do so at length...
    e.g. She keeps yapping at me about Joe.

yap 单语例句

1. Yap added that most of the hog samples that were tested on Wednesday yielded negative results.

2. Yap said Tay was fetched by Parish Priest in nearby Midsayap town as requested by his family.

3. Sharp + Focus Life Get a family photograph taken by professional photographer Don Yap, who will capture a moment you will cherish forever.

4. Yap said Thursday police were looking for a Filipino who was offering to sell the motorcycle and other luxury vehicles.

5. The vessel was reportedly owned and operated by one Eduardo Yap in the Masbate province.

6. " This is an animal health problem and not a human issue, " Yap said.

7. " He is now at the Bishop Palace in Cotabato City, " Yap said.

yap 英英释义


1. informal terms for the mouth

    Synonym: trap cakehole hole maw gob


1. bark in a high-pitched tone

    e.g. the puppies yelped

    Synonym: yelp yip


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