
zongzi 基本解释


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zongzi 网络解释

1. 肉粽:零 zero | 肉粽 zongzi | 动物园 zoo

2. 肉棕:Yuanxiao Yuan 元宵圆 | zongzi 肉棕 | Savoury Porridges 咸粥

zongzi 双语例句

1. Mom: Sam asked us to come to Taipei from Ilan to make you some zongzi.

2. During the Dragon Boat Festival, though many people cannot reach the river zone to watch the boat race, almost all of them eat the unique food -zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.

3. Dragon Boat Festival is 2, 000 years old customs, every day, every household, hanging moxa suspension doors calamus, dragon boat RACES, eating zongzi, drink realgar wine, swim, peiwei impediment, wholly feels ashamed.

4. Zongzi is a pyramid-shaped made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to give it a special flavor.

5. zongzi在线翻译

5. At the Dragon Boat Festival people eat Zongzi, which is made of glatinous rice and dates wrapped in bamboo of reed leaves.

6. People eat Zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in reed leaves, and watch dragon boat competitions.

7. The crab is good but I like the Wonton and Zongzi with chestnut and meat instead.

8. By the way, you didn't tell me the origin of Zongzi. What is it?

9. Meanwhile, here in the Kunshan grounds, each of these zongzi are not just carrying love, but a story as well.
    Ting Hsin International Group,Li Qingjian:「这麼热的天,都还一直做,要坚持,我是想说,五分钟,我都不想待,但是看这些同仁待在这里,我都真的是很感动,特别是那位同仁,我们在聊的时候,眼泪都掉下来,我看到,我也想掉眼泪,那种陪伴的感觉,真的是很好。

10. Traditionally, Chinese people make zongzi and eat them at home to celebrate this festival.

11. I began to feel smug, thought: simple zongzi is not wise at me.

12. O yangmeilong Then there LouTaiTingGe piles with zongzi, wooden vehicle rodeos advertising that song eating zongzi has very fashionable.

13. Today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death.

14. zongzi是什么意思

14. For China, it's a time for dragon boat racing and zongzi.

15. To bind up only delicious rice dumplings, so I took the zongzi, a ZongSheng angin and again, this just to grandma.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. The Double-Fifth Festival has a great variety of activities, which have evolved through different times and in different places, mainly involving dragon-boat racing, eating Zongzi, hanging wormwood, drinking realgar wine, binding five-colored thread, wearing a scent bag, hanging a portrait of Zhong Kui, etc.

17. Either way, people are more interested in seeing dragon boat competitions and eating zongzi.

18. 好好学单词·英语单词

18. I really like Zongzi so I would like to find out how it's made.

19. In the first month, and the second is to eat zongzi guests.

20. What kind of zongzi will you have this year?

zongzi 单语例句

1. It took 10 chefs more than five days to complete production of the zongzi and another 32 hours to fully cook it.

2. Every purchase of zongzi entitles the buyer to a coupon worth 50 percent of the price.

3. People from North China typically stuff their dumplings with glutinous rice and Chinese jujube, while those from South China cram their zongzi with pork and mashed red beans.

4. Waiters help customers unwrap the zongzi and divide them into blocks, as the fillings ooze out of the fragrant shining glutinous rice.

5. With the upcoming annual Dragon Boat Festival, over 20 foreigners are heading to Jiaxing County in Zhejiang province to taste dainty Zongzi.

6. A greater selection of zongzi - pyramidal dumplings made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves - for this year's Dragon Boat Festival.

7. Quanjude Restaurant is offering zongzi with duck stuffing at its different branches to mark the Dragon Boat Festival on May 28.

8. Mooney said she loved helping her mother wrap zongzi, a traditional food used to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.

9. As the Dragon Boat Festival draws near, a Zongzi party is held by Qingdao Underwater World to attract visitors.

10. Zongzi is a special snack associated with the Dragon Boat Festival that is made of glutinous rice folded into bamboo leaves.


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