zoologist [zəʊˈɒlədʒɪst]  [zoʊˈɑ:lədʒɪst] 


zoologist 基本解释

名词 动物学家

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zoologist 网络解释

1. zoologist在线翻译

1. 动物学家 充实XXX个生态系统:warmonger 好战分子 挑起XXX次战争 | wonderland-wanderer 仙境漫游者 发现XXX个故事书星球 | zoologist 动物学家 充实XXX个生态系统

2. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

2. 动物学家jrK中国英语学习网:biologist 生物学家jrK中国英语学习网 | zoologist 动物学家jrK中国英语学习网 | statistician 统计学家jrK中国英语学习网

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3. 动物学家GyS中国学习动力网:economist 经济学家GyS中国学习动力网 | zoologist 动物学家GyS中国学习动力网 | statistician 统计学家GyS中国学习动力网

zoologist 双语例句

1. The zoologist said that the weasel is intelligent, fearless, and very strong for its size.

2. How ever, when the reporter arrived he found out that the zoologist had been brought to ju stice, becau se he had taught a junior among the go rilla fam ily to talk.

3. zoologist

3. Although he is a zoologist and expert on spider silk, he was not involved in the research.

4. My ambition is to be a zoologist.

5. When I grow up, I want to be a zoologist.

6. Perhaps this is where the zoologist can help.

7. zoologist的翻译

7. She says she wants to be a zoologist in the future.

8. zoologist的意思

8. I am a zoologist and the naked ape is an animal.

9. Founded on this English Channel island in 1959 by zoologist Gerald Durrell, the Jersey Trust Zoo protects and breeds more than 100 endangered species, including birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.

10. But a tiny reptile found recently in India is something else entirely, an Indian zoologist announced today.

11. zoologist

11. Zoologist Nigel Marven spends nine months exploring the wildlife found in the extreme conditions of the Arctic, encountering foxes, beluga whales, great gray owls, harp seals and much more, observing their incredible methods of survival.

12. David Paton, a zoologist at the University of Adelaide, is credited with sparking off many of the measures now being taken against cats

13. One would have to conclude that he was a Biblical Scholar, a Semitic Etymologist with prowess in Hebrew, Syriac and Greek on a scholarly level, an OB-Gyn, a Chemist, a Meterologist, a Geologist, a Zoologist, a Chemist, etc, etc, and now an Entomologist!

14. danci.911cha.com

14. Since he was missing during the World War II, he has been forgotten by both Taiwanese and Japanese. Recently, Japanese zoologist Yamasaki published his biography, and the folk scholar IuN Lam-kun translated it and footnoted it. Kana Tadao eventually came to our lives.

15. zoologist

15. I'm extremly fortunat, for i'm not a zoologist, and i'm not sure about what makes birds fly, i just know the supernatural wings in sunlight, it often influenced me that there is the mark which an angel voyaged betwen blue sky and cloud

16. A local zoologist suggested it had arrived on a cruise ship.

17. Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make.

18. According to German zoologist Frisch s research on honeybees dance behavior, brought forward nectar source localization model based on honeybee dance.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. Zoologist Damien Farine said: Birds have to store body fat to avoid starving during the cold winter nights, but this can make them slower and less manoeuvrable so they are more likely to be caught by predators.

20. zoologist的意思

20. Zoologist Roy McDiarmid, curator of amphibians and reptiles at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, said he has seen a specimen of the diminutive creature.

zoologist 单语例句

1. But today, he has become a passionate conservationist and a leading zoologist in the region.

2. New Delhi - An Indian zoologist said Monday he has found a new species of limbless lizard in a forested area in the country's east.

3. You would think a zoologist who spends months alone in the wilderness would have an anxiety attack in crowded Hong Kong.

4. A Russian zoologist has suggested the bird arrived on a cruise ship, but Sochi port authorities have said that was impossible.

5. The monkeys on Mount Emei are Tibetan macaques, a kind of woolly monkey named after a French zoologist.

6. Since Benjamin is a writer and not a zoologist, he has no idea what he's doing.


zoologist 英英释义


1. a specialist in the branch of biology dealing with animals

    Synonym: animal scientist


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