badger [ˈbædʒə(r)]  [ˈbædʒɚ] 


badger 基本解释

名词 獾; 獾皮; (大写)獾州人(美国威斯康星州人的别称); <动><澳>毛鼻袋熊

及物动词 烦扰; 纠缠不休; 吵着要

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badger 相关例句


1. The children badgered me into taking them to the seaside.

2. My children kept badgering me to get a home computer.

3. They badgered me into buying a new car.

badger 网络解释


1. 贝吉獾:17 现在最热门最夯的天然草本保养品牌:贝吉獾(Badger) 天然草本护唇系列, ivip ... 健康美容美颜家电柔肤清洁保养(单机下杀)COTA净柔美三效按摩洁肤仪, ivip ...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 管道清理器:bacteria filter 生物滤池 | badger 管道清理器 | badger plane 槽刨

3. 纠缠:bad me 劣我 | badger 纠缠 | badinage 开玩笑

badger 双语例句


1. Of course, if you`re Badger or Otter, then there`s no problem.

2. One good piece of supporting evidence for this theory is that an earlier name for the animal wasbauson, which comes from the Old French wordbaucenc, usually referring to a white patch on a horse and also meaning badger.
    这种以象老骑士般维护它的洞穴而闻名的欧亚大陆哺乳动物,其名字可能来自于獾英勇侠义的寓意。这种动物白色的头部带有宽阔的黑色条纹,分别在口鼻的两侧,这可能使人联想到徽章的标志,因此取了badger 这个名字。

3. They gave the badger hat more money, and he did anything they called him to.

4. They gave the badger hat more money, and he did anything they call him to.

5. badger

5. At this moment, a miraculous picture suddenly flashed in my mind: a round golden moon hanging in the dark blue sky and beneath which it was the sand field at the seaside planted with limitless jade green watermelons. A boy of 11 or 12, wearing a silver necklet and grasping a steel pitchfork in his hand, was thrusting at a badger with all his efforts. But the badger twisted his bow and escaped through the boy's legs.

6. Red Fox 8 Leader to Badger 8 Leader! Do you read me?

7. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

7. Red Fox 8 Leader to Badger 8 Leader!

8. badger什么意思

8. The results showed that Mephitinae was divided from Mustelidae firstly, and then the remain were divided into two branches. Martes species and Wolverine were contained in one branch which was formed a sister group with Eurasian badger of Melinae; Lutrinae species and Polecat of Mustelidae formed a sister group, and Marbled polecat was sister to the clade of Lutrinae species and Polecat. They formed another branch. Eurasian badger has the closest relationship with the Sable of Martes, and Lutrinae has the closest relationship with Mustelidae.

9. badger的反义词

9. That will be one in the eye for Badger!

10. Palmer's lip butter is better than petrolium jelly, burt's bees, chap stick, etc. It's even better than the organic Badger balm.
    Palmer's这款唇蜜比其他petrolium jelly,burt's bees,chap stick等牌子的都要好,甚至比有机Badger膏更好。

11. So Jed is up to the old badger game again.

12. Ermine cicada also is one of originator of female spy, she carried out badger game and interlink personally plan.

13. I`m afraid you`re a victim of the badger game. The woman wasn`t the man`s wife, but just someone he hired for the job.

14. The prosecutor accused the couple of playing the badger game.

15. When supper was really finished at last, and each animal felt that his skin was now as tight as was decently safe, and that by this time he didn`t care a hang for anybody or anything, they gathered round the glowing embers of the great wood fire, and thought how jolly it was to be sitting up SO late, and SO independent, and SO full; and after they had chatted for a time about things in general, the Badger said heartily, `Now then!

16. Countryside characters, Ed and Edwina Hedgehog, Tom Mouse, Sam Rabbit and Badger.

17. badger的近义词

17. Badger: Youre not gonna imprecate with me!

18. Badger: If youre gonna cuss, youre not gonna imprecate with me, you lowercase cuss!

19. Badger: The imprecate you are.

20. This is my friend, the badger..

badger 词典解释

    A badger is a wild animal which has a white head with two wide black stripes on it. Badgers live underground and usually come up to feed at night.

2. 纠缠;烦扰;对…软磨硬泡
    If you badger someone, you repeatedly tell them to do something or repeatedly ask them questions.

    e.g. She badgered her doctor time and again, pleading with him to do something...
    e.g. They kept phoning and writing, badgering me to go back...

badger 单语例句

1. Police discovered the nocturnal beast had eaten cherries from a nearby tree which had turned to alcohol and given the badger diarrhoea.

2. He doesn't badger them about it, and Yao rarely complains.

3. Badger says the tendency is especially serious among the younger students, which results in failure in academics and in life.

4. A local woman in Chongqing's Xinglong village died of rabies three months after she was bitten by a sand badger.

5. The badger is a similar and equally fierce creature and Wisconsin is the Badger State.


badger 英英释义


1. sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws
    widely distributed in the northern hemisphere


1. persuade through constant efforts

2. annoy persistently

    e.g. The children teased the boy because of his stammer

    Synonym: tease pester bug beleaguer


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