beleaguer [bɪ'li:gə]  [bɪˈliɡɚ] 


beleaguer 基本解释

及物动词 围攻; 困扰; 骚扰

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beleaguer 网络解释

1. 围:beldame恶婆 | beleaguer围 | belecture谆谆教诲

2. 围攻;使苦恼不已:26. capital-gains tax 资本收益税 | 27. beleaguer 围攻;使苦恼不已 | 28. bottom line 最重要的

3. beleaguer在线翻译

3. 围攻:battle战斗 | beleaguer围攻 | besiege包围

4. 围攻,使烦恼:Ancillary 辅助的,附属的 | Beleaguer 围攻,使烦恼 | Besmirch 抹脏,染污,丑化

beleaguer 双语例句


1. E. g. Civilian trap in the beleaguer city has been airlifted to safety.

2. beleaguer

2. This removes the victim mentality that too many beleaguer themselves with.

3. beleaguer

3. Even today, in some parts of China, it is common practice for a man to seek justice by summoning his family and their allies to beleaguer the home of the person who wronged him.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Hem in, beleaguer, besiege, surround, circumvent fence, fence in, palisade, surround, wall

5. Looks straight at Zheng Master Lian, Rusty nose led your men to beleaguer my Sec. uncle--Yin Zhong and deprive him of the Hydes sword. Is it possible that Your Excellency don`t realize this occurence?

6. Civilian trap in the beleaguer city has been airlifted to safety.

7. Serious troubles continue to beleaguer the operators of the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture that was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami.

8. Both on beleaguer sea fashion terra engineering, to construct spur could promote deposit, preserve bulkhead.

9. More: beleaguer, leaguer, lay siege to, siege, checkmate, besiegement, mob, beset, beleague, besiegment

beleaguer 英英释义


1. surround so as to force to give up

    e.g. The Turks besieged Vienna

    Synonym: besiege surround hem in circumvent

2. annoy persistently

    e.g. The children teased the boy because of his stammer

    Synonym: tease badger pester bug


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