blacken [ˈblækən]  [ˈblækən] 


blacken 基本解释

及物动词 使变黑,把…弄黑; 诽谤,诋毁; 中伤(名誉等)

不及物动词 变黑

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blacken 相关例句


1. blacken的翻译

1. Don't blacken my name by spreading rumors.

2. blacken

2. Clouds blacken the heavens.

3. The commandos blackened their faces with charcoal.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. He blackens his opponents by giving them names.

blacken 网络解释

1. blacken是什么意思

1. 使变黑:blackdamp 窒息瓦斯 | blacken 使变黑 | blackface 扮演黑人

2. 扑灭火焰:blacken down 使黑暗 | blacken 扑灭火焰 | blackout 信号消失

3. 涅:blackeaglecondorcruel 鹫 | blacken 涅 | blackenconstantlytoinsult 黩

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 变黑:authority (通常用复数)当局 | blacken 变黑 | century 世纪

blacken 双语例句

1. You can blacken my name to the King.

2. blacken什么意思

2. The enterprise that only perhaps we are brave in to safeguard our right ability to let these black heart is punished, our only brave station comes out to just can protect more brotherly sisters, only we are brave in to expose ability to let these borer that are national blacken sb's name disappear

3. The little boy hit him hard enough to blacken his eyes.

4. blacken什么意思

4. The little boy ___ him hard enough to blacken his eyes.

5. Having seen his mincement using so sturdy and big body, all attendees blacken their faces at once.

6. blacken

6. This is a special coating, which makes it possible to blacken certain parts of the stone's surface.

7. Shakespeare took the details of his plot from Tudor historians who wanted to blacken Richard`s name.

8. blacken的反义词

8. Richard Ⅲ was art, but it was propaganda too. Shakespeare took the details of his plot from Tudor historians who wanted to blacken Richard's name.

9. Richard Ⅲ was art, but it was propaganda too. Shakespeare took the details of his plot from Tudor historians who wanted to blacken Richard`s name.

10. blacken

10. Strength implement the circle comes intimate circle, diametical 100-130 micron, first Brown hind blacken color, highlight from face of blade.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

11. Here it is used to blacken the reticular fiber network of reticular tissue.

12. Blacken'is a causative verb meaning cause to become black'.

13. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

13. This disease returns seedling of meeting enroach on to cause seedling corrupt, root end and bottom lamina blacken cankered; Coping of enroach on bine and Xie Ji ministry, ill ministry blackens cause heart corrupt, ill ministry gives out fragrance; Enroach on lamina causes the ill spot of strip form, it is first cinnamon, turn into hoar after.

14. For the latter, he had to blacken one of her eyes.

15. I don't want to blacken his name, but they say he's involved in a crime.

16. But the next time your eyes blacken, don't look for your hand.

17. He sought to blacken his cousin's reputation.

18. Fructification fall victim begins from fruit the base of a fruit more, appear in peel surface first Brown irregular ill spot, enlarge complete fruit to blacken later, pulp decay becomes a thick liquid, have pungent wine flavour and tart flavor, pour out of cinnamon juice, ill department performance grows other people of white mildew account.

19. Tila blacken is a..of the trade corporation.

20. During the casting process, The traditional Sterling silver alloy is prone to absorb air, oxidize and it has poor fluidity, and the tendency of shrinkage porosity in the castings, and is easy to blacken the casting surface.

blacken 词典解释

1. (使)变黑;弄黑;涂黑
    To blacken something means to make it black or very dark in colour. Something that blackens becomes black or very dark in colour.


    e.g. The married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth...
    e.g. You need to grill the tomatoes until the skins blacken.

2. 诬蔑;玷污;给…抹黑
    If someone blackens your character, they make other people believe that you are a bad person.

    e.g. He accused him of knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to blacken my character...
    e.g. They're trying to blacken our name.

blacken 单语例句

1. That's part of this general puritanism that invades us and wants to blacken things.

2. The climax of the activity is when people blacken faces mutually with pot soot to express good wishes.

3. Some of the Western media has not yet adapted to the new reality, so they are exerting every effort to blacken the performances of Chinese athletes.

4. The encryption will blacken television screens for copycat dish users, according to the State Administration of Radio Film and Television.

blacken 英英释义


1. make or become black

    e.g. The smoke blackened the ceiling
           The ceiling blackened

    Synonym: melanize melanise nigrify black

2. burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color

    e.g. The cook blackened the chicken breast
           The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece
           the flames scorched the ceiling

    Synonym: char sear scorch


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