chauvinism [ˈʃəʊvɪnɪzəm]  [ˈʃoʊvɪnɪzəm] 

chauvinism 基本解释

名词 沙文主义; 盲目的爱国心; 本性别第一主义,男(女)性至上主义

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chauvinism 相关例句


1. People who support equal rights for women fight against male chauvinism.

chauvinism 网络解释

1. 爱国沙文主义:参见[[爱国沙文主义]](chauvinism)与[[爱国侵略主义]](jingoism). [[和平主义]]者对民族主义的非难著重於民族主义运动的暴力行为、与[[军国主义]]结合、以及因[[爱国侵略主义]](Jingoism)与[[沙文主义]](chauvinism)而在民族间产生冲突.

2. 排他主义:chatterbox 唠叨的人 | Chauvinism 排他主义 | Chauvinism 沙文主义

3. chauvinism是什么意思

3. 沙文主义,盲目爱国主义:nanism 矮小 | chauvinism 沙文主义,盲目爱国主义 | hedonism 享乐主义,享乐

chauvinism 双语例句

1. As for the influence of feminism, Ms. Li, the art critic, acknowledges the force of male chauvinism in the art world, both in China and elsewhere.

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. In some areas, both Han chauvinism and local-nationality chauvinism still exit to a serious degree, and this demands full attention


3. Although New Zealand was the first country in the world where women got the vote in 1893, it remains a sexist society in which male chauvinism of the pioneering period still rules many social paterns.

4. chauvinism

4. However, Japan has a very strong conception about male chauvinism. Living in such a country, Isikawa Tatsuzo shows his conservative and backward attitude when he reviews the women's life. For example, he sticks to and safeguards some conceptions about male chauvinism, he even excludes and slanders the liberation for women's rights. All of these express Isikawa Tatsuzo's negative view on women.

5. 好好学单词·英语单词

5. This thesis makes a more systematic analysis and exploration about Isikawa Tatsuzo's contradictory view on women with four parts:Part 1: make disclosure and critique about cultural conception of male chauvinism; Part 2: show sympathy for women in sexual oppression; Part 3: reveal visual angle and language of male chauvinism; Part 4: inquiry on formation of Isikawa Tatsuzo's contradictory viewon women.

6. chauvinism的反义词

6. My boyfriend has a little bit chauvinism, that he doesn't like to do housework.

7. The author, taking the two versions of Hong Lou Meng, focuses her discussion mainly on the positive strategies of decoding untranslatablity by breaking through the inertia of the cultural chauvinism of the source language.

8. chauvinism

8. After all, this is male chauvinism at play in.

9. My boyfriend has little male chauvinism, he doesn't like to do housework.

10. My boy friend is a male chauvinism, he doesn't like to do housework.

11. My boyfriend have some of male chauvinism, he do not like to do housework.

12. My boyfriend is kind of male chauvinism, he don't like doing housework.

13. chauvinism的翻译

13. My boyfriend have a bit male chauvinism, he doesn't like to do housework.

14. My boyfriend has a bit of male chauvinism, he doesn't like to do housework.


15. It was a typical case of British chauvinism and insularity.

16. We must never adopt an arrogant attitude of great-power chauvinism and become conceited because of the victory of our revolution and certain achievements in our construction.

17. chauvinism

17. China responds to a sharpening in the diplomacy with European Union, than working together, avoiding whose big-nation chauvinism and checking Chinese internal affair's to interfere with a problem, should handle the relation between triple easy to be hit by Europe and America at the same time, creates out a environment that peace develops, much better development serves for China.

18. Family violence such as wife beating is rising as a result of resurgent male chauvinism.

19. I hate to bring up the obvious, but… chauvinism.

20. chauvinism的意思

20. This is out and out big-power chauvinism.

chauvinism 词典解释

1. 沙文主义;本国至上主义
    Chauvinism is a strong, unreasonable belief that your own country is more important and morally better than other people's.

    e.g. It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.

Antwerpers are so convinced that their city is best that other Belgians think them chauvinists.

chauvinism 单语例句

1. But if you look at some of the online reactions, you'll detect traces of male chauvinism and shallow nationalism.

2. The activities call on Cuban citizens to be more tolerant, as male chauvinism and prejudice against homosexuality and transsexualism are rampant in Cuban society.

3. But we would have thought that such regional chauvinism should have been largely suppressed in Guangzhou as in most other major mainland cities.

4. Yet to many natives, overcharging is simply a habitual procedure rather than a real sign of racial chauvinism.

5. The plots were shallow, pandering to Chinese chauvinism that was assuaged in opium dens.

6. Hence they felt great and expressed their chauvinism and imperialism by attaching the " Great " to their nations.

7. But old habits of Yankee chauvinism die hard, so it is once again up to its old tricks of threats and military blackmail.


chauvinism 英英释义


1. activity indicative of belief in the superiority of men over women

    Synonym: male chauvinism antifeminism

2. fanatical patriotism

    Synonym: jingoism superpatriotism ultranationalism


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