jingoism [ˈdʒɪŋgəʊɪzəm]  [ˈdʒɪŋgoʊɪzəm] 

jingoism 基本解释

名词 沙文主义,侵略主义,武力外交政策

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jingoism 网络解释

1. 愛国主義:极端的爱国主义(jingoism)或自大狭隘的民族主义(nationalism)都是人类的发明与幻想,根本不切实际. 事实是,世界上没有两个文化完全相同,就拿美国与中国来比较,有「根本上的不同」──他们重视个人,我们重视家族、团体;他们自我,我们合群;

2. 侵略主义:参见[[爱国沙文主义]](chauvinism)与[[爱国侵略主义]](jingoism). [[和平主义]]者对民族主义的非难著重於民族主义运动的暴力行为、与[[军国主义]]结合、以及因[[爱国侵略主义]](Jingoism)与[[沙文主义]](chauvinism)而在民族间产生冲突.

3. jingoism的意思

3. 沙文主义:民族主义的极端就是英国人发明的大国沙文主义(Jingoism即为了保护本国利益对他国使用暴力或暴力威胁. 民族主义虽然在西方发明,但这个概念早已经臭不可闻,因为它直接导致国家与国家之间的战争,对人类造成毁灭性打击.

4. 主战论:jingoish 侵略主义的 | jingoism 主战论 | jingoist 沙文主义者

jingoism 双语例句

1. More than once in our history we've seen patriotism slide into jingoism, xenophobia, the stifling of dissent; we've seen faith calcify into self-righteousness, closed-mindedness, and cruelty toward others.

2. More than once in our history we`ve seen patriotism slide into jingoism, xenophobia, the stifling of dissent; we`ve seen faith calcify into self-righteousness, closed-mindedness, and cruelty toward others.

3. That said, I think we should first lay down a solid foundation -- a base line -- of extreme homophobia, jingoism, fear of the Other, and a psychotic rapaciousness toward the natural world.

4. That said, I think we should first lay down a solid foundation-- a base line-- of extreme homophobia, jingoism, fear of the Other, and a psychotic rapaciousness toward the natural world.

5. He loathed the Paris crowd, adored his run-down manor on the Cotentin peninsula in Normandy and loved France almost to the point of jingoism.

6. The second turn saw the change to the conservative, traditional moralism and jingoism.

7. In the late1990s, the climate has been one characterized by nationalism and jingoism, with foreign influences again blamed in some quarters for a degeneration of morals in china.

8. They have stripped the veneer of jingoism from the play, by showing war in its true horror.

9. Jingoism: Jingoistic governments do not allow defense spending to be below thirty percent.

10. Moreover, the patriotism education of Japan not only includes nation development, but also militaristic jingoism.

11. In the late 1990s, the climate has been one characterized by nationalism and jingoism, with foreign influences again blamed in some quarters for a degeneration of morals in china.

12. This eruption of Chinese jingoism is nauseating.

13. WE PLEDGE TO DO all we can to guard against the harmful temptations - especially those of arrogance and jingoism - to which nations at war so often seem to yield.

14. jingoism

14. Avoid making criticism based on personal moral grounds, spirituality, or jingoism.

jingoism 词典解释

1. 极端爱国主义;沙文主义
    Jingoism is a strong and unreasonable belief in the superiority of your own country.

jingoism 单语例句

1. Since Ban is a former ROK foreign minister, his calmness may help control some ROK nationals'jingoism.

2. But distraught Japanese politicians think only jingoism can restore Japan's rightful place in the world.

3. We have to guard ourselves against the jingoism that numbs us to what good we can also learn from other countries.

jingoism 英英释义


1. fanatical patriotism

    Synonym: chauvinism superpatriotism ultranationalism

2. an appeal intended to arouse patriotic emotions

    Synonym: flag waving


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