commingle [kə'mɪŋɡl]  [kəˈmɪŋɡəl] 


commingle 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 <文>混合,掺和,合并

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commingle 网络解释

1. 混合,混杂:commensurate 相当,同量的 | commingle 混合,混杂 | commiserate 怜悯,同情

2. 混合:collate#对照;校勘 | commingle#混合 | commiserate#怜悯;同情

3. 混合、混杂:substitution 代替, 取代作用 | commingle 混合、混杂 | mingle with 混合

4. commingle的解释

4. 混合;搀和:comity 礼让;礼貌 | commingle 混合;搀和 | commiserate 怜悯;同情

commingle 双语例句

1. commingle的翻译

1. I think I'll commingle some of these blue flowers with the pink ones.

2. commingle的解释

2. It realized the commingle of domestic-funded enterprises and foreign –funded enterprises income tax laws.


3. A like fate awaits him and the two rages commingle in a whirlpool.

4. It realized the commingle of domestic-funded enterprises and foreign funded enterprises income tax laws.

5. commingle的解释

5. Fact is inextricably commingle with fiction.

6. commingle什么意思

6. Dairy and meat products which commingle are not kosher, There are also special laws relating to cheese, grape juice and wine production.

7. 2nd, the Huizhou woodcarving concentrates the commingle expression for the China traditional culture, which primarily refers the Confucianism culture, and mutually Huizhou folk custom culture. 3rd, the esthetic sense of the Huizhou woodcarving is in favor of general pleasance of the folk.

8. commingle

8. Treatment of Rural Sewage by Using Combined Processes of Multi-Layered Biological Filter and Constructed Wetland Ground waters originating in different beds commingle.

9. Objective To investigate the commingle infection status of 6 types of hepatotropic virus in 317 patients with viral hepatitis.

10. commingle的解释

10. The method used high speed commingler to commingle macromolecule resin and carbon powder. Using SEM, It was found that the cross section of the material was composed of macromolecule fiber and carbon agglomerate, the diameter of the fiber was about 0.1 μ m.

11. commingle的翻译

11. Fragments of silk commingle with old documents amid Wang's expressive oil painting on the canvases.

12. In many ways safety and security commingle and have similar management systems and objectives.

13. Family members and outside caregivers commingle with the sick in crowded emergency wards.

14. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

14. Informal chronostratigraphic unit Ground waters originating in different beds commingle.

15. Ground waters originating in different beds commingle. Research on Relationship between the Ground Deformation and Dynamic Groundwater Level in Handan, Hebei

commingle 英英释义


1. mix together different elements

    e.g. The colors blend well

    Synonym: blend flux mix conflate immix fuse coalesce meld combine merge

2. mix or blend

    e.g. His book commingles sarcasm and sadness


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