fuse [fju:z]  [fjuz] 


fuse 基本解释


不及物动词 融合; 熔化

及物动词 使融合; 使融化; 给…装信管

名词 保险丝; 引信; 导火线; 雷管

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fuse 相关例句


1. Lead fuses at a low temperature.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. He fused all the lights by using his electric stove.

3. fuse的反义词

3. We fused the pipes with solders.


1. We disagreed at first but eventually our ideas fused.


1. He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.

fuse 网络解释

1. 保险丝:iode) 保险丝(Fuse)电感(Inductor)振荡晶体(Monofier) 排阻(Arrange Resistance)小小外形晶体管(SOT) 外形集成电路(SOIC) 塑封有引线芯片载体(PLCC)四边扁平封装器件(QFP) 球栅阵列(BGA) 小外形封装(SOP) 小外形封装双列直插内存颗粒SODIMM) 插座(SOCKET) 插孔(Jack) 连接器(Connecter)开关(Switch)随着再流焊技术的应用,

2. fuse的意思

2. 熔丝:按照编程工艺可以分为4类:(1)熔丝(Fuse)和反熔丝(Antifuse)编程器件,(2)可擦除的可编程只读存储器(UEPROM)编程器件,(3)电信号可擦除的可编程只读存储器(EEPROM)编程器件(如:CPLD),(4)SRAM编程器件(如:FPGA).

3. fuse的翻译

3. fuse:foundation for upgrading the standard of education; 提高教育水准基金会

4. fuse是什么意思

4. fuse:filesystem in userspace; 基于用户空间文件系统

fuse 双语例句

1. A. preset electronic quick break protection:without any extemal quick fuse, it can ptotect it self and give an alatm befote starting or during the proceddof starting, oreratine and soft stop.

2. As he ran he tried to pull out the fuse, but failed.

3. He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.

4. According to the characteristics of the fuse industry and the research condition, We applied ZPrinter310 system to produce the fuze prototypes and used these prototypes to help design in the project argumentation phase, got the final project; Then we applied AFS-320 rapid prototyping system to produce the noumenon, analyzed the noumenon`s precision、surface quality and performance of material mechanics in detail, based on these analytic results, we considered to use the noumenon in the fuze local performance test and some laboratory experimentations; At last we discussed how to combine the rapid tooling and precision foundry to produce batch of samples, we can apply these samples in the fuze system and ball cartridge experimentation.

5. I wish the full Fuse in the letter, the National Day, and send you from afar.

6. Has 5000 square meter production workshops, the main product includes: Outside the indoors the high vacuum circuit breaker series, the vacuum load switch series, the sulfur hexafluoride circuit breaker series, the isolator series, the earth open the series, the arrester series, the fuse series, the high-pressured charged monitor series, the contact to touch the arm series, the high and low pressure power distribution cabinet series, the low pressure contact device series, the insulation series and so on multi-series, multi-specification product production and development.

7. fuse的意思

7. If you have to step in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker, call an electrician first for advice.

8. I always thought that a fuse is either close or open circuit.

9. We used the methods of gene engineering to construct a random nonapeptide epitope libr-ary displayed on FUSE5 and used automated chemical solidstate synthesis to construct a large RNA pool of random sequences.

10. I kept on asking myself, why the voltage drop to 3 volts after the fuse.

11. Wiring in overhaul before the removal of wires to connect or repair work, you need cut off the motor starter, fuse box or circuit switching power supply, repair of the equipment at the start of the pre-work must be re-check to make sure the power has been cut off to prevent accidental equipment start happen accident.

12. According to the application method of KF in the design, some modules are programmed. According to the KF application ways for component analysis, it completes the principal shaft critical speed calculation tools, which directly fuse the finite element analysis technology into the rotor system design.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. There are commonly eight nuclei in the embryo sac: the egg apparatus at the micropylar end, made up of an gee nucleus and two synergid nuclei; three antipodal cells at the oppsite chalazal end that probably aid embryo nourishment; and two polar nuclei in the center that fuse to form the primary endosperm nucleus.

14. Deuterium is easier to fuse than simple hydrogen, and so is favoured in these sorts of experiments.

15. Finite difference method is adopted in this model to analyze the temperature distribution and fulgurite resistance of a fuse.

16. The main influence factors in post-arc fulgurite resistance are studied, which is useful to give an optimal design of a fuse.

17. Also, because a knife is equipped with fuses fused switch is closed packing tube fuse, it is also very high breaking capacity.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. A device, such as a fuse or percussion cap, used to set off an explosive charge.

19. In his theory the traditional split of form and content can be able to fuse.

20. This paper presents a method of calculating the static sliding friction factor between zigzag slot and pin. A brief description of the fuse zigzag slot mechanism is given.

fuse 词典解释

1. 保险丝;熔丝
    A fuse is a safety device in an electric plug or circuit. It contains a piece of wire which melts when there is a fault so that the flow of electricity stops.

    e.g. The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor...
    e.g. Remove the circuit fuse before beginning electrical work.

2. (使)(电器等)因保险丝熔断而停止工作
    When an electric device fuses or when you fuse it, it stops working because of a fault.

    e.g. The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused...
    e.g. Rainwater had fused the bulbs.

3. 导火线;引信;信管
    A fuse is a device on a bomb or firework which delays the explosion so that people can move a safe distance away.

    e.g. A bomb was deactivated at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit.

4. (使)熔接;(使)熔合;(使)结合
    When things fuse or are fused, they join together physically or chemically, usually to become one thing. You can also say that one thing fuses with another.


    e.g. The skull bones fuse between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five...
           头骨在 15 至 25 岁之间长合。
    e.g. Conception occurs when a single sperm fuses with an egg...

5. (使)(不同特质、思想等)合二为一,合为一体
    If something fuses two different qualities, ideas, or things, or if they fuse, they join together, especially in order to form a pleasing or satisfactory combination.


    e.g. His music fused the rhythms of jazz with classical forms...
    e.g. What they have done is fuse two different types of entertainment, the circus and the rock concert...

6. 勃然大怒;大发雷霆
    If you blow a fuse, you suddenly become very angry and are unable to stay calm.


    e.g. For all my experience, I blew a fuse in the quarter-final and could have been sent off.

7. (突然)触发,启动,激活
    If someone or something lights the fuse of a particular situation or activity, they suddenly get it started.

    e.g. Hopes for an early cut in German interest rates lit the market's fuse early on.

8. 容易发怒;动辄发火
    If you say that someone has a short fuse or is on a short fuse you mean that they are quick to react angrily when something goes wrong.


    e.g. I have a very short fuse and a violent temper.

fuse 单语例句

1. When he compressed the mixture inside a bamboo tube and lit the fuse, the world of fireworks began.

2. It would be quite conceivable to fuse the Santa legend with Buddhism.

3. Zhang could fuse opera and film with a blockbuster version resembling Hero, House of Flying Daggers or Curse of the Golden Flower.

4. Brands Inc owns KFC Corp and East Dawning is a strategy to fuse its business model with Chinese cuisine.

5. The news agency did not describe the bomb's type, but cited a policeman as saying it contained powder and a fuse and could explode.

6. It's time we broadened our horizon beyond the classics and embraced the efforts to fuse East and West in a musical dialog.

7. Weng is also skilful in fine arts and tries to fuse elegance into the reality, through his story telling.

8. The reactor will emulate the fusion power of the Sun, harnessing the tremendous amounts of energy that are released when atoms fuse.

9. It felt like the glue that used to fuse information to my brain cells had evaporated.

10. The fuse was a report from rating agency Moody's, which assigned red flags on the corporate governance of 61 rated Chinese companies.

fuse 英英释义


1. any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant

    Synonym: fuze fusee fuzee primer priming

2. an electrical device that can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded

    Synonym: electrical fuse safety fuse



1. mix together different elements

    e.g. The colors blend well

    Synonym: blend flux mix conflate commingle immix coalesce meld combine merge

2. make liquid or plastic by heating

    e.g. The storm fused the electric mains

3. become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat

    e.g. The substances fused at a very high temperature

4. equip with a fuse
    provide with a fuse


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