domesticate [dəˈmestɪkeɪt]  [dəˈmɛstɪˌket] 


domesticate 基本解释

及物动词 驯养; 引进; 使爱家; 适应家庭生活


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domesticate 相关例句


1. Cows were domesticated to provide us with milk.

2. She is not at all domesticated.


1. In spite of her efforts, Hunt had not quite domesticated.

domesticate 网络解释


1. 驯养:<<色,戒>>要解放中国人的性压抑,但又不忘将性这只野兽驯养(domesticate)为家畜,将这只脱疆野马收服成放在笼子里供人观赏的展览品. 李安用来镇压性的杀手就是爱情和它的孪生兄弟温情主义(sentimentalism).

2. 驯化:绝大部分狼经人类驯化(Domesticate)已经演化成犬. 猫:现在媒体经常有不作为新闻的报道,猫与鼠以4项基本原则和平共处,猫已无能食鼠了. 猫的行走特征,即猫步(Cat Walk)为人类所仿效,人类将有更多方面向猫类转化.

3. 驯养,驯化:divert 转向 | domesticate 驯养,驯化 | domesticated animal 驯养动物

4. domesticate

4. 驯养,教化:152使繁殖 教养抚养breed | 153驯养 教化domesticate | 154使受精fertilize

domesticate 双语例句

1. More than 6000 years ago, humans began to domesticate horses.

2. Its founder, Samuel Fisher Lafone, a merchant living in Montevideo, Uruguay, originally set out to domesticate the cattle then roaming free on the archipelago's bleak, windblown heath s

3. Its founder, Samuel Fisher Lafone, a merchant living in Montevideo, Uruguay, originally set out to domesticate the cattle then roaming free on the archipelago's bleak, windblown heaths

4. domesticate

4. She believes that if the Little Prince domesticate her, her life will be happy.

5. You're confident you can domesticate them?

6. It is possible to domesticate some wild animals.

7. In spite of her effort, her husband has not been quite domesticate.

8. She wanted to domesticate it, I wanted to make it a present of the homestead and move out.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

9. It's difficult to domesticate a bachelor.

10. To Foreignize or To Domesticate Abstract1: Domesticating translation and foreignizing translation are two different translation strategies.
    为了Foreignize或为了驯化 Abstract1 :归化翻译和异化翻译是两个不同的翻译策略。

11. At last, the thesis draws the conclusion that different cultural demands at different time tend to guide translators strategies to domesticate or foreignize.

12. People domesticate animals, and this conduces to gentle and fragrant atmosphere for family.

13. In attempting to domesticate the quagga—a zebra-like, South American member of the horse family—he was forced to breed a male with a female Arabian mare.

14. Words, which can make our terrors bravely clear, Can also thus domesticate a fear, And send a small child back to sleep at night Not listening for the sound of stealthy flight Or dreaming of some small thing in a claw Borne up to some dark branch and eaten raw.

15. Several species of ant domesticate a kind of insect called an aphid.

16. domesticate的近义词

16. Objective: to do domesticate cultivation of Asarum heteropodies Fr.


17. At last, the thesis draws the conclusion that different cultural demands at different time tend to guide translators'strategies to domesticate or foreignize.

18. With less vegetation and fruits to pick and less animals to hunt (caused by the increase of hunters and much sophisticated hunting skills), people gradually started to recognize and domesticate wild plants such as millets which were edible, drought-enduring and which had a short harvesting period. TheYellow River provided irrigation for the originally domesticated plants, which makes it the first region to have original agriculture.

19. In order to improve the efficiency of biogas fermentation of cotton stalks, it is necessary to pretreat cotton stalks, and to screen and domesticate high active inocula for biogas fermentation.

20. domesticate的解释

20. He wished to stock their larder first, and domesticate those which they might take later.

domesticate 词典解释

1. 驯养;驯化
    When people domesticate wild animals or plants, they bring them under control and use them to produce food or as pets.

    e.g. We domesticated the dog to help us with hunting.
    e.g. ...sheep, cattle, horses, and other domesticated animals.

Sheep are particularly well suited for domestication.

domesticate 单语例句

1. But Chinese parents often domesticate their children to use will over emotion.

2. The Neolithic Age was a period when humans first learned to tend plants and animals and eventually domesticate crops and animals.

3. He knew how to hunt wild animals but also taught his people to domesticate animals for hides and food.

4. He said that the " dog raisers " were the first to domesticate dogs, while the " deer raisers " were the first to domesticate deer.

5. The boss Yu Jinsheng claims it is the only circus licensed by local and central forestry bureaus to domesticate and breed performing animals.

domesticate 英英释义


1. make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans

    e.g. The horse was domesticated a long time ago
           The wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog

    Synonym: tame

2. overcome the wildness of
    make docile and tractable

    e.g. He tames lions for the circus
           reclaim falcons

    Synonym: domesticize domesticise reclaim tame

3. adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment

    e.g. domesticate oats
           tame the soil

    Synonym: cultivate naturalize naturalise tame


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