reclaim [rɪˈkleɪm]  [rɪˈklem] 


reclaim 基本解释


及物动词 取回; 开拓,开垦; 感化; 沙化

名词 改造,感化; 教化; 回收再利用; 收回,取回

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reclaim 相关例句


1. You must present this ticket when you reclaim your luggage.

reclaim 网络解释

1. 回收:虚拟内存操作:包括调页(paging)和交换(swapping)paging:回收(reclaim)页被重新使用. Swapping:把一个悬挂(suspended)进程的修改过的(dirty)页写回磁盘swap空间,这样可以释放大量内存. 配置完一个系统后,为改善系统性能,

2. 取回:同学们吓得夺门而逃(elude)书就留在教室里,于是同学们就到教室管理员那里取回(reclaim)书,上网发贴子谴责(declaim)他,他很痛苦. 最后沙同学宣布(proclaim)要剪头发,并作了首<<葬发辞>>纪念自已的头发,在大家面前朗诵(declaim)---头皮头屑飞满天,

3. 归还:Array delete首先按照与初始化动作相反的次序销毁数组中的每一个元素,然后唤起一个名为operator delete[]的函数以归还(reclaim)存储空间. 应该注意的是,对于使用scalar delete(用于单个量的delete)删除数组的错误做法,

4. reclaim

4. 再生:recirculation 再循环 | reclaim 再生 | reclaiming 再生

reclaim 双语例句

1. The elemental sulphur in leach residue was obtained by a 〓S solution leaching-thermal decomposition process. It is not only simple and easy to reclaim the leach agent, but also high in the recovery of elemental sulphur. Under the test conditions used, more than 99% of leaching efficiency and more than 93% of thermal decomposition recovery of sulphur were obtained.

2. Objective To study levels of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in the water samples from an plastics reclaim site for environment protection and residents'health.
    目的 监测某塑料拆解地区水环境中邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯的污染水平及探讨其可能的来源,为保护当地环境、促进居民健康提供基础数据。

3. I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair.

4. I believe we can provide jobs for the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair.

5. reclaim

5. I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from vi olence and despair.

6. I believe we can give our middle class relief and provide working families with a road to opportunity. I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair.

7. The Cirque marked its 25th anniversary by organizing stilt-walking events in various cities to try to reclaim the Guinness world record for most people simultaneously walking on stilts.

8. Constructing and retrofitting boiler to combust the by-product gas to generate steam is a important way to reclaim and save the energy. Chongqing Iron and Steel Co.

9. I knew I had to reclaim my life.

10. I`ll show you in a few easy steps, how to reclaim it.

11. We will have the opportunity to reclaim our power so we can create a new path.

12. reclaim的反义词

12. I think we can reclaim the money buyers.

13. This paper introduce the American New Dimension Plating has used hole purify implement to reclaim chrome acid and improved the former disposal system.

14. reclaim的近义词

14. In the questionnaire, 3000 investigation questionnaires were sent to 15% staff of every sub-company, reclaim 2595 mark, and with the similar content of the interview the population degree of salary satisfaction in the questionnaire is 59%.

15. They reduced their chemical intake because they now reclaim the metals.

16. After study results showed that a more feasible option is to stay away from metropolitan areas, in Osaka port reclaim an artificial island, as the new airport site.

17. Bob and Rita are at the airport, waiting to reclaim their baggage.

18. reclaim是什么意思

18. Several hundred pieces of baggage are rushed from the plane onto a conveyor belt in the baggage reclaim annex.


19. A four-hour flight (not including an extra three hours for check-in, delays and baggage reclaim) feels as long as a twenty-hour train journey to me.

20. He cites an experiment at Houston airport where passengers had to walk for one minute from the plane to the baggage reclaim and then wait a further seven minutes to collect their luggage.

reclaim 词典解释

1. 要求归还(或恢复);收回
    If you reclaim something that you have lost or that has been taken away from you, you succeed in getting it back.

    e.g. In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship...
    e.g. 'I've come to reclaim my property,' she announced to the desk clerk.

2. 收回;拿回;申请退(税)
    If you reclaim an amount of money, for example tax that you have paid, you claim it back.

    e.g. There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax.

3. 开垦(荒地);开拓(耕地或建筑用地)
    When people reclaim land, they make it suitable for a purpose such as farming or building, for example by draining it or by building a barrier against the sea.

    e.g. The Netherlands has been reclaiming farmland from water.
    e.g. ...a scheme to build a residential development on 1,100 acres of reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay.

4. 使(农田、建筑用地)重新变成(沙漠、森林或海洋)
    If a piece of land that was used for farming or building is reclaimed by a desert, forest, or the sea, it turns back into desert, forest, or sea.

    e.g. The diamond towns are gradually being reclaimed by the desert...
    e.g. This method of spraying would allow the land to be reclaimed by the rain forests.

5. 挽救;感化
    If you reclaim a person who has been involved in bad or criminal behaviour, you cause them to stop acting in that way.


    e.g. He set out to fight the drug infestation of Omaha by reclaiming a youth from the local gangs.

reclaim 单语例句

1. Chelsea can reclaim top spot with victory over champions Manchester United on Sunday.

2. DeLay temporarily gave up his leadership post after he was charged, but always insisted he would reclaim his duties after clearing his name.

3. Confiscated goods will be auctioned in local markets if the owner fails to reclaim them.

4. The first phase of the industrial corridor programme is scheduled to be completed in 2010 and will reclaim 274 square kilometres.

5. The surging yen may deter Japanese automakers from using aggressive discounts late this year to try to reclaim US market share.

6. He's released when souvenir hunters dive down to reclaim his bones or hat or anything that they can sell to collectors.

7. Chinese archaeologists are excavating sunken warships used by Zheng Chenggong and his followers to reclaim Taiwan from Dutch occupiers more than three centuries ago.

8. It allows lenders who agree to take a substantial loss on the mortgages to reclaim at least some money and avoid a costly foreclosure.

9. This will allow it to reclaim exclusive power over the review and approval of death sentences.

10. SHANGHAI - A senior housing official in this coastal municipality said on Sunday that the government will not reclaim residential lands after their leases expire.

reclaim 英英释义


1. overcome the wildness of
    make docile and tractable

    e.g. He tames lions for the circus
           reclaim falcons

    Synonym: domesticate domesticize domesticise tame

2. make useful again
    transform from a useless or uncultivated state

    e.g. The people reclaimed the marshes

3. bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one

    e.g. The Church reformed me
           reform your conduct

    Synonym: reform regenerate rectify

4. reuse (materials from waste products)

    Synonym: recover

5. claim back

    Synonym: repossess


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