furthest [ˈfɜ:ðɪst]  [ˈfɜ:rðɪst] 

原级:far比较级:farther; further最高级:farthest; furthest

furthest 基本解释

形容词 最远的

副词 最大程度地; 最远地

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furthest 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. My guess was the furthest from the correct answer.

2. furthest的翻译

2. Who can swim furthest / farthest?


1. danci.911cha.com

1. Who can swim furthest?

furthest 网络解释

1. 最远的:furthermore 而且 | furthest 最远的 | fury 激怒

2. furthest

2. 最深刻的(地):farthest最远的;最远地 | further进一步的(地) | furthest最深刻的(地)

3. 最远的,最遥远的:furthermore 而且,此外 | furthest 最远的,最遥远的 | fuse 保险丝,导火线

4. furthest什么意思

4. 最远:farthest最远 | further较远 | furthest最远

furthest 双语例句

1. furthest在线翻译

1. The underground commercial street is connected with the subway to promote its commercial value furthest.

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I sta...

3. Analysis on RAPD showed that genetic identity and genetic distance of E. canadensis and E. sibiricus were 0.72 and 0.3285.Their genetic relationship was most furthest among 7 materials. And genetic relationship between hybrids and parents showed that hybrids tended to female parent E. canadensis. But that was very far to male E. sibiricus.
    RAPD分析表明,加拿大披碱草与老芒麦的遗传一致度为0.72,遗传距离为0.328 5,在7种材料中亲缘关系最远;杂种后代与母本加拿大披碱草的遗传距离较近,而与父本老芒麦的亲缘关系相对较远;因此用RAPD分析材料的遗传关系更为合适。

4. On a hockey skate, the runner is the furthest away from the core muscles of the legs that power your stride.

5. The quality of singlewell Delaunay triangulation is the best among all the network, which can use the primitive data of well-point furthest, and optimize the computational efficiency of reserves

6. Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life.
    科技进步正在使我们能够探索宇宙的边陲、物质最基本的成分及生命的奇迹。英语暑假学习网 E37.com.cn

7. 好好学单词·英语单词

7. Occasionally, Pluto's highly elliptic orbit passes inside that of Neptune, making Neptune the furthest planet from the sun during these times.

8. Not Too Late may not be as barbed or alienating as either In Utero or Kid A -- it's not an ornery intensification of her sound nor a chilly exploration of its furthest limits -- but make no mistake, it is indeed a conscious abdication of her position as a comfortable coffeehouse crooner and a move toward art for art's sake.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词

9. Glucose an aldohexose, exists as D and L forms. The furthest asymmetric carbon from the aldehyde group is C-5. D-glucose is called D because the configuration of the atoms bonded to C-5 is the same as for D-gly- ceraldehyde. Similarly D-fructose﹙a ketohexose﹚ is designated D because the configuration

10. furthest是什么意思

10. This was the furthest that Zheng progressed at women's singles at this tournament in her career.

11. Thank you for giving it to me when I was furthest painful.

12. Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the mirable of life.

13. The furthest I need to go is through the trees bushes to collect a bundle of firewood a bunch of fruit.

14. furthest的反义词

14. He also figured out the planet goes faster when it`s at perihelion, nearer the sun, than when it`s at aphelion, its furthest distance.

15. He also figured out the planet goes faster when it's at perihelion, nearer the sun, than when it's at aphelion, its furthest distance. Which would explain why summer seems to zip by, except the seasons are a function of the tilt of the earth's axis, not its different distances from the sun.

16. The Experiment Research confirmed that the best rotational speed is 950-1150r/min; the smaller power consumption of blades is slanted backwards 15°, the furthest throwing distance of blades is slanted backwards 3°.

17. In rich and emerging economies, GDP fell furthest last year in countries with the largest share of manufacturing.

18. In the service box furthest away from your opponent.

19. I went to mallard lake in yanqing district yesterday, that was the furthest outing I have ever taken.

20. furthest在线翻译

20. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when Istand in front of you, yet you don't know that I love you.

furthest 词典解释

Furthest is a superlative form of far.
furthest 是 far 的最高级。

1. 在最大程度上;在最大范围内;最大限度地
    Furthest means to a greater extent or degree than ever before or than anything or anyone else.

    e.g. The south of England, where prices have fallen furthest, will remain the weakest market...
    e.g. These institutional reforms have gone furthest in Poland.

2. (距离上)最远地,最往前
    Furthest means at a greater distance from a particular point than anyone or anything else, or for a greater distance than anyone or anything else.

    e.g. The risk of thunder is greatest in those areas furthest from the coast...
    e.g. Amongst those who have travelled furthest to take part in the Festival are a group from Northern Ireland.

furthest 单语例句

1. He pointed himself out as the man in line furthest from the cam era.

2. But as Gates kicks off the International Consumer Electronics Show late Sunday, it will be the furthest the industry has come in delivering on that concept.

3. The fourth amendment of the arrangement covers 38 different sectors, making it the furthest reaching yet.

4. Perhaps vendors in open markets are the furthest ahead of the curve.

5. TV and feature film is on the most part, the furthest thing from the truth because of corporate agendas.

6. I wanted to see how they took immunization and public health to the furthest areas of the provinces.

7. Roll up the dough from the furthest edge, gently stretching the roll as you go.

8. The French team dominated the midfield but that was the furthest point they could go.

furthest 英英释义



1. (comparatives of `far') most remote in space or time or order

    e.g. had traveled to the farthest frontier
           don't go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree
           explored the furthest reaches of space
           the utmost tip of the peninsula

    Synonym: farthermost farthest furthermost utmost uttermost


1. to the greatest distance in space or time (`farthest' is used more often than `furthest' in this physical sense)

    e.g. see who could jump the farthest
           chose the farthest seat from the door
           he swam the furthest

    Synonym: farthest

2. to the greatest degree or extent or most advanced stage (`furthest' is used more often than `farthest' in this abstract sense)

    e.g. went the furthest of all the children in her education
           furthest removed from reality
           she goes farthest in helping us

    Synonym: farthest


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