gratuitous [grəˈtju:ɪtəs]  [grəˈtu:ɪtəs] 

gratuitous 基本解释

形容词 免费的,无偿的; 无必要的; 无故的,无理由的


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gratuitous 网络解释

1. 无偿的,没有理由的:15. dislocate 使离开原来位置,打乱正常秩序 | 16. gratuitous 无偿的,没有理由的. | 17. debauch 使失落,放荡

2. 免费的:gratitude 感谢的心情 | gratuitous 免费的 | gratuity 赠物

3. 无根据的:gourmet美食家' | gratuitous无根据的a | gratuity赏钱,小费

4. 无偿的,无必要的:Ingenuous 直率的,坦白的 | Gratuitous 无偿的,无必要的 | Stagnant 停滞的,污浊的,愚笨的

gratuitous 双语例句

1. Do your Chinese to help othersnot for gratuitous?

2. Too much gratuitous rage and violent language, followed by too much distrust, giving up, and death.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Maximal relevance means that the addressee gets the greatest contextual effects for the smallest processing effort, while optimal relevance indicates that the addressee gets enough contextual effects at no gratuitous effort. And the Relevance theory also presents two principles---cognitive principle (i. e., human cognition tends to be geared to the maximization of relevance) and communicative principle (i. e., every act of ostensive communication communicates a presumption of its own optimal relevance).

4. gratuitous的反义词

4. So it is feared that Mr Abe, a hardliner by instinct, will try to distract voters from a dismal domestic record by gratuitous nationalistic provocation of China, and South and North Korea.

5. gratuitous的意思

5. A legal aid owns such characteristics as of state, judicature relief, professional in statute, gratuitous and prefe

6. Testamentary law is the application of a principle which may be explained on a variety of philosophical hypotheses as plausible as they are gratuitous: it is interwoven with every part of modern society, and it is defensible on the broadest grounds of general expediency.

7. The argument is based on a gratuitous assumption that..., which is, of course unwarranted.

8. Veer abortive pale draught oracle antidote correlate dislocate gratuitous debauch sanction impede ineptitude insinuate remould aspiration arrogate literal intelligible conceit

9. In respect of a gratuitous deliberate intention or gross fault of the agent, the principal may claim compensation for the losses.

10. His advice was quite gratuitous, and I can think for myself.

11. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

11. However, I should help you, not for gratuitous.

12. Her advice was quite gratuitous, I can think for myself.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. It's not a gratuitous failure and makes enough sense to see to the end.

14. His films are full of gratuitous violence.

15. The non gratuitous transfer of sports telecast right is a new problem remaining to be solved urgently in the course of reforming the Chinese sports system.

16. gratuitous

16. Article 3 These Measures shall be applicable when the state-owned shareholders transfer their shares of listed companies by the securities trading system, by agreement, by gratuitous transfer or by indirect means.
      第三条 国有股东将其持有的上市公司股份通过证券交易系统转让、以协议方式转让、无偿划转或间接转让的,适用本办法。

17. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results.

18. Even if the time flies, even if history has gradually changed, it is forgotten deep-rooted of brotherhood, but not always fresh is his brothers who WangJinCun image: JiaoDaPeng, JiangMaoCai, LvKuan ditch, ... In this difficult to search process, he braved misunderstood, puzzled, even by gratuitous suspicion of all, no matter how difficult bumpy process, he never thought up a lifetime, poor for the only goal unremitting efforts, until late in the medal of sacrifice, his brother's tomb of many tears flowed once the strong man, no tears flow, just enough to finish a life cannot bear the heavy task...

19. These Measures are hereby formulated in order to promote China's acceptance of gratuitous aids from foreign governments and international organizations and to do a good job in exempting the value added tax for the purchase of goods in China by gratuitous aid projects of foreign governments and international organizations.

20. Medical disputes Commodity consumption Equal value Non-gratuitous act Law

gratuitous 词典解释

1. 无理由的;不必要的;无缘无故的
    If you describe something as gratuitous, you mean that it is unnecessary, and often harmful or upsetting.


    e.g. There's too much crime and gratuitous violence on TV.
    e.g. ...his insistence on offering gratuitous advice.

They wanted me to change the title to something less gratuitously offensive.

gratuitous 单语例句

1. And by " definitively tied up " I mean in excruciating ways that ideally involve lots of gratuitous explosions.

2. Chinese officials have been on the receiving end of a lot of gratuitous advice.

3. In the Western media one indeed sees gratuitous criticism of China as a whole and its emission reduction efforts in general.

4. Gong has defended the movie's wardrobe against criticisms of gratuitous showing of flesh.

5. Bi's preoccupation with pain might appear gratuitous, considering he has not suffered much hardship to get where he is today.

gratuitous 英英释义



1. without cause

    e.g. a gratuitous insult

2. unnecessary and unwarranted

    e.g. a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life

    Synonym: needless uncalled-for

3. costing nothing

    e.g. complimentary tickets
           free admission

    Synonym: complimentary costless freegratis(p)


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