needless [ˈni:dləs]  [ˈnidlɪs] 

needless 基本解释

形容词 不必要的; 无用的; 多余的; 不需要的

副词 不需要地; 不必要地

名词 不必要; 不需要

needless 同义词


形容词 gratuitous

needless 反义词


形容词 needful

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needless 相关例句


1. A third car was a needless expense.

needless 网络解释

1. 超能力大戰:连载于<>的科幻冒险作品<<超能力大战>>(NEEDLESS)已经在今年两月份的时候决定推出电视动画版,之前一直无法确定下来的主角声优阵容终于有了定论.

2. 不需要的:napless没有绒毛的 | needless不需要的 | neighborless无邻人的

3. needless在线翻译

3. 无用的:needle-like 针状的;类似针形 | needless 无用的 | Neel point 奈耳点

4. 不必要的:needle 缝针 | needless 不必要的 | needy 贫穷的

needless 双语例句

1. needless的反义词

1. Needless to say, had it not been for his guidance, I would not enjoy today's success.

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. Needless to comment on this article, mainly for the use of some of the Jump cheating.

3. needless的翻译

3. While even teenagers need boundaries, it is important for parents to try to avoid needless remonstrance.

4. Needless to say, he damaged his brand and my opinion of him by requiring me to jump through hoops for a minuscule reward.

5. needless的近义词

5. First, the state of nature homologized the beginning, called genesis, of the Christian theology. Second, the civil society homologized the end, called salvation from God, of the Christian theology. Because of these meanings, Thomas Hobbes`s Leviathan is, needless to say, a theological-political book.

6. It quietly in the rain shower in the evening high grass low tree Needless to say, still as in the past of those days, people feel a kind of incense is not breathing, but a green wilderness.

7. It won't ask you needless questions; nor it will distract you from your work.

8. Needless to say, this ditsy crew succeeds in spite of itselfDavid Ansen

9. Needless to say, you should never write code that can read from any area of the disk!

10. needless

10. If DOS mount high memory, so that some of the driver is loaded in upper memory area, that is, to join the DOS = high, UMB; DEVICEHIGH = c: dossmartdrv. exe; Needless to optical drive without loading the CD-ROM driver or add to the high memory and so on; in addition, compile a multiple-boot menu to address different application configurations.

11. Needless to say, 2 he was inculcate the sense of perseverance and a notewothy acheivement had been made in his later life.
      第二处:inculcate 后面应该要加上with,因为是他自己给自己灌输的这样一种意志,他是接受者。

12. Needless to say the embroidery on some of the past almost lost traditional handicrafts, such as Bamboo carving, nuclear carving, etc..

13. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

13. Previous 2 Needless to say, Ula grass is used to warm a plant shoe pads.

14. needless的翻译

14. WINDOWS:Will Install Needless Date On Whole System.

15. Being in the singing career for 20 years, her status as Big Sister is well established. Fortunately she started her career so early that she is still full of vitality and youthfulness. People are comparing her with Madonna. Of course, that is not appropriate, because Madonna has been promoted all over the world as international star, while Anita Mui has been limited to East Asia, and a few cities in North America where there are Chinese. Needless to say, this is the reason that Anita is not known as world wide as Madonna. Also, the private life of Madonna is also so colorful, Anita can't be compared with her.

16. The English needless to say, disputed the French claim.

17. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

17. The staff is simple, after drying by the stove to use, Needless to deal with crucible for Brush, Needless to patch treatment.

18. The white ones are the infertile eggs and needless to say, these have not shown any movement.

19. To have participated in this needless savagery in any way is not only hypocritical, it's blasphemous.

20. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

20. This is why different patients have different symptoms and, needless to say, require different treatment.

needless 词典解释

1. 不需要的;不必要的
    Something that is needless is completely unnecessary.


    e.g. But his death was so needless...
    e.g. 'I have never knowingly exposed any patient to needless risks,' he said.

Half a million women die needlessly each year during childbirth...
He said something to me so mean, so needlessly cruel.

2. 不用说;不必说
    You use needless to say when you want to emphasize that what you are about to say is obvious and to be expected in the circumstances.

    e.g. Our budgie got out of its cage while our cat was in the room. Needless to say, the cat moved quicker than me and caught it.

needless 单语例句


1. Needless to say the near knockdown of the residential market after the " combo strike " has been rather " scary ".

2. Needless to say, his wife is unemployed while the daughter is still studying at a local school.

3. It is needless to say the gap between the loan rate and the demand deposit rate has widened dramatically as a result.

4. Needless to say the diner also serves curries served with rice, another option for those strapped for time.

5. Yet both men are anxious for the Liverpudlian to do a better job of treading the fine line between competitive aggression and needless bookings.

6. Needless to say, the noodle soup served here is exceedingly fresh.

7. Needless to say, she'll probably never have to sweep the restaurant's floor again.

8. Needless to say, the global repercussions of a US funding crisis would hardly be inconsequential.

9. Yet Dalglish insisted the needless dismissals did not point to indiscipline in his team.

10. Animal rights activists say primate studies subject animals to needless suffering, like the stress of being caged.

needless 英英释义


1. unnecessary and unwarranted

    e.g. a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life

    Synonym: gratuitous uncalled-for


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