natty [ˈnæti]  [ˈnæti] 


natty 基本解释

形容词 整洁漂亮的; 潇洒的,灵巧的


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natty 网络解释

1. natty

1. 整洁的:Impertinence:卤莽,无礼,不恰当 | Natty:整洁的 | Tatty:衣衫蓝缕的

2. 帅的:nattilyshipshapetidilytrimly 整洁地 | natty 帅的 | natulane 甲基苄肼

3. natty

3. 整洁的;潇洒的:monolithic 巨石的,巨大的 | natty 整洁的;潇洒的 | nice 精密的

4. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

4. 整洁的/帅的/清楚的/敏捷的:nattiness /整洁/帅/ | natty /整洁的/帅的/清楚的/敏捷的/ | natulane /甲基苄肼/

natty 双语例句

1. His cap was a dainty thing, his closebuttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty, and so were his pantaloons.

2. He saw resources and thought development, and he was too busy with dreams of material achievement and empire to notice his daughter at his side, talking with a young fellow in a natty summer suit and straw hat, whose eager eyes seemed only for her and never left her face.

3. Not only is he somewhat more relaxed, he has also become a rather natty dresser.

4. His suitings are natty to a degree.

5. natty

5. Moving on to a natty little device...

6. natty是什么意思

6. For its part, dirty or neat, natty or disheveled, you are still precious.

7. I shall not frequent your society long, natty!

8. natty的翻译

8. As a result, natty's moves constitute an evasion of society


9. He bows to the judges pretty much as low as everybody else. Always a natty dresser, his standards in court never slip.

10. There is a certain perception of Phil Brown: year-round tan, Britney Spears headpiece, natty dress sense.

11. natty什么意思

11. To this sedate assemblage descended one crisp December morning young Wickert, clad in the natty outline of a new Bernholz suit, and obviously swollen with tidings.

12. Beneath their chic and natty appearances they respond to atavistic and primitive impulses.

13. Zhang is all in black, pairing tracksuit trousers with a natty pair of Dr Martens-style boots; his daughter Mo sits between the two men and will translate for us today, as she did on the set.

14. Cliff was a natty dresser.

15. natty什么意思

15. A natty metal tool box.

16. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

16. Co-star Brad Pitt opted for a double-breasted peak-lapel tux with a natty white pocket square.

17. He's a very natty dresser.

18. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

18. He turned back into a natty shepherd, lying still on the green ground.

19. That's a natty little gadget.

20. Natty, brave, kindly, and illiterate hovers between the two worlds of Indian and white man.

natty 词典解释

1. (尤指男士服装)整洁漂亮的,整洁时髦的
    If you describe clothes, especially men's clothes, as natty, you mean that they are smart and neat.


    e.g. ...a natty pin stripe suit...
    e.g. Cliff was a natty dresser.

2. 灵巧的;小巧方便的
    If you describe something as natty, you think it is smart and cleverly designed.

    e.g. ...natty little houses.

natty 单语例句


1. Look beyond the tacky decor and discover a wealth of rather natty Korean clothing and accessories.

natty 英英释义


1. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners

    e.g. a dapper young man
           a jaunty red hat

    Synonym: dapper dashing jaunty raffish rakish spiffy snappy spruce


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