snappy [ˈsnæpi]  [ˈsnæpi] 


snappy 基本解释


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snappy 相关例句


1. snappy的反义词

1. Why are you so snappy today?

2. Be careful, Mom is in a snappy mood today.

3. snappy是什么意思

3. Hey, that's a snappy new car!

snappy 网络解释

1. snappy的意思

1. 爽快的:snappish 急躁的 | snappy 爽快的 | snapshoot 快照

2. snappy是什么意思

2. 瞬息作用:snappistonring 弹簧活塞环 | snappy 瞬息作用 | snappyreturn 弹回运动

3. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

3. 劈拉做响的/精力充沛的/有朝气的:snappish /动不动就要咬人的/爱骂人的/急躁的/ | snappy /劈拉做响的/精力充沛的/有朝气的/ | snapshoot /快镜拍摄/

snappy 双语例句

1. Guest A Green Bean Sha and a snappy orange drink for this lady and me.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Keeps a snappy but rewarding form from the cherry and red-fruit palate through the full, juicy finish.

3. We''ll have to make it snappy if we want to get to movie in time.

4. I hope he will make it snappy.

5. If you don`t make it snappy, we`ll miss the train.

6. You don't really tell him to make it snappy.

7. You'll have to make it snappy if you want to come too.

8. You will have to make it snappy if you want to come too.


9. Of course, this snappy deck also offers plenty of capability to shred the rest of the mountain.

10. Unfortunately it has caused ulcers and snappy retorts to anyone around me.

11. The prolocutor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who is named Jiangyu is snappy.

12. A snappy effect is achieved when motion is accelerated and retarded in this way.

13. Almost every third individual in the world faces one irksome hitch which he never speaks about to anyone and yet so evidently, he keeps getting snappy about it.

14. Look at this. it's snappy styling, snappy president

15. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts.* Short, snappy explanations focus on key problem areas.

16. I have released all the burdens that were weighing down my heart and affecting my mood, which was previously making me snappy with my children.

17. snappy什么意思

17. Application is fairly snappy and easy to navigate, putting tons of content, your queue, suggestions and search at your fingertips.

18. Warm, intelligent, laugh-out loud funny film is a triumph in every aspect; unforgettable songs, snappy dialogue, remarkable animation, and a stellar cast of voices make this a treat for all ages.


19. His work is first-class but I am unfair and snappy with him.

20. Make it snappy, I'm in a hurry.

snappy 单语例句


1. You're feeling snappy today, so get out there and make things happen!

2. Producers everywhere need to deliver better wine in a box - and make it snappy.

3. Messi's and Barca's snappy display contrasted with that of Real's and its leading scorer Cristiano Ronaldo at the Bernabeu.

4. Meryl Streep recently admitted she hates spending time in the kitchen because it makes her " sweaty and snappy ".

5. Unlike some other small breeds, they are not usually snappy or yappy.

6. Snappy cherry tomatoes and onions marinated in balsamic vinegar helped round out the dish.

7. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are both well suited for snappy banter and they play off each other with some nice friction off the top.

8. Lepore delivered a colorful and snappy Spring 2013 collection, dominated by a brilliant shade of green she calls clover.

snappy 英英释义


1. quick and energetic

    e.g. a brisk walk in the park
           a lively gait
           a merry chase
           traveling at a rattling rate
           a snappy pace
           a spanking breeze

    Synonym: alert brisk lively merry rattling spanking zippy

2. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners

    e.g. a dapper young man
           a jaunty red hat

    Synonym: dapper dashing jaunty natty raffish rakish spiffy spruce

3. apt to speak irritably

    e.g. a snappish tone of voice

    Synonym: snappish

4. pleasantly cold and invigorating

    e.g. crisp clear nights and frosty mornings
           a nipping wind
           a nippy fall day
           snappy weather

    Synonym: crisp frosty nipping nippy

5. smart and fashionable

    e.g. snappy conversation
           some sharp and whipping lines

    Synonym: whipping


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