part-time [pɑ:t taɪm]  [ˈpɑrtˌtaɪm] 

part-time 基本解释

形容词 兼职的; 部分时间的

副词 兼职地; 用部分时间地


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part-time 相关例句


1. part-time

1. She is a part-time professor.


1. He works part-time.

part-time 情景对话

Full-time and Part-time Jobs-(全职和兼职工作)

A:Did you have a part-time job when you were still in school?

B:No, I was way too*busy studying all the time. How about you?

A:Yeah, I worked about twenty hours a week in a pizza restaurant.


B:What was that like?

A:It was always very busy there.

B:What did you do?

A:I stood behind the register and took pizza orders.

B:Did you get any perks on the job?

A:Yeah, I got to eat as much pizza as I could for free.

Continuing education program-(继续教育课程)


A:Hello, this is the admissions office. Can I help you?

B:Hi. I’m calling about your continuing education program.

A:What would you like to know?


B:I want to become certified in computer programming. Do you offer any part-time courses for adult further education?


A:Yes, we offer both night and weekend courses in a number of different subjects.


B:How do I sign up?

A:If you give me your address, I can mail you an infomp3ation packet and the application fomp3s.



part-time 双语例句

1. The problem with private teaching is finding students; it took me a year to build up a full schedule of private lessons, so I started out teaching in schools part-time.

2. I`d like to find a part-time job on campus.

3. part-time在线翻译

3. With the rapid economic development and changes in ideas, more and more college students are now engaged in part-time jobs.

4. part-time

4. The part-time boy is leafleting to the people passing by.

5. part-time

5. He has made some money by working part-time in a company.

6. Consequently, the extra money obtained from part-time job will strongly support students to co ntinue to their study life.


7. We're part-time caterers and we have no place else to go.

8. Taking part-time jobs outside schools; teaching quality; construction of teachers'morality; personnel resources

9. She jokingly called herself my part-time bedmate.

10. Note: The full-time part-time job can be described.

11. So how am I going to find a part-time job for a year or tow and save some money.

12. I just need a part-time school student.

13. A proper part-time job does not occupy student's too much time.

14. I study in the business administration department, I am a student of a part-time job.

15. part-time什么意思

15. I have been working hard as a student and a part-time teacher.

16. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

16. A proper part-time job does not occupy student s too much time. in fact, it is unhealthy for

17. Most schoolchildren tend to have a continuation class to improve their English in part-time.

18. part-time是什么意思

18. Previous Sessions, hundreds of college students have their own Hall of Guangzhou Trade Fair to find part-time translation of the opportunity.

19. The fed by the calendar 2002/09-- to Shanghai Jiaotong University and self-study test automation undergraduate electrical engineering 1997/09--2001/07 Shanghai Petrochemical industry machinery electronic engineering school/college and integration And the integration of professional training Where: Analog/digital electronic Electrician foundation Electrical fees Smart design graduate school class of field-device Pui training by calendar 2003/01--2003/02 National Vocational Tchnical level training center with technical grading test technician certificate It skills can Name skills proficiency use of time CADAM skilled 22 months Certificate 2000/09 cad-outstanding 1999/09 cad primary outstanding By the letter of interest Love interest: car racing, military and living knowledge Fortes: first aid Gull which had employed part-time in the summer Luoba water world, as water lifeguards.
      教育经历 2002/09--至今上海交大自学考电气工程及其自动化本科 1997/09--2001/07 上海石化工业学校机械电子工程/机电一体化大专机电一体化的专业培训主修:模拟/数字电子电工基础电机拖动毕业设计的智能抢达器获学校一等奖培训经历 2003/01--2003/02 全国职业技术等级培训中心技术等级考合技术员证书 IT 技能技能名称熟练程度使用时间 CADAM 熟练 22月证书 2000/09 CAD中级优秀 1999/09 CAD初级优秀附加信息兴趣爱好:赛车,军事及生活常识特长:急救在暑期兼职其间曾就职于鸥罗巴水上世界,担任水上救生员。

20. Uniersity major in computer science, three years of part-time work in a computer software company.

part-time 词典解释

The adverb is also spelled part time. 副词亦拼作part time。

1. 非全日制的;兼职的
    If someone is a part-time worker or has a part-time job, they work for only part of each day or week.


    e.g. Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower-paid part-time workers...
    e.g. Part-time work is generally hard to find...

part-time 英英释义


1. involving less than the standard or customary time for an activity

    e.g. part-time employees
           a part-time job

    Synonym: parttime


1. for less than the standard number of hours

    e.g. he works part-time

    Synonym: half-time


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