shrink [ʃrɪŋk]  [ʃrɪŋk] 

第三人称单数:shrinks第三人称复数:shrinks现在分词:shrinking过去分词:shrunk; shrunken过去式:shrank; shrunk

shrink 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 收缩,皱缩; (使)缩水; 退缩,畏缩

名词 收缩; 畏缩; <俚>精神病学家

shrink 同义词



shrink 反义词

shrink 相关词组

1. shrink into oneself : 缩成一团, 变得沉默;

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shrink 相关例句


1. Shortage of hands has shrunk our plant's yearly output.


1. This dress material shrinks in the wash.

2. He shrank with cold.

3. When his influence began to shrink, his wealth also decreased.

4. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

4. The dress shrank when I washed it.

shrink 网络解释

1. 损耗:职位简介:My Job is: 工作内容: 带领团队,控制好门店的损耗(shrink) 特别注意监控进出口区域、易丢失商品区域 培训员工如何防损. 让全店的员工都参与防损 维护好店内的防损设备 负责仓库的消防,培训仓库人员的消防知识 与当地派出所保持良好...

2. shrink的解释

2. 心理医生:不久前看的电影<心理医生(SHRINK)>, 里面因为母亲自杀而出现问题的杰玛(Jemma)是学校安排她去看心理医生的, 现在我们的学校会起这样的作用么? 这样的环境下, 父母怎么做就变得更关键了. 如果父母本身已经焦头烂额, 不顾及孩子,

shrink 双语例句

1. shrink的意思

1. In general circumstances, the airtight container will shrink because of the low temperature.

2. shrink是什么意思

2. Announced they have already no new funds to invest new loans, the hedge fund under the bear stearns cos. met lossing because of the secondary mortgage debt invesment and announced paused to buying back. Citigroup estimates secondary mortgage loan debenture`s price lowing has made the cost of stocks which hold by the federal civil mortgage association and the federal housing loan mortgage corp. shrink usd$ 4.7 billion

3. You'll notice that if you translate even deeper into the screen the size of the font does not shrink like you'd expect it to.

4. Synthetic dyeing techniques along with post-dye treatments were introduced to control shrink and twist.

5. This thawing cause the ground to shrink and occurs unevenly, so it could lead to sink holes and damages to structures such as railroad tracks, highways and houses.


6. Washing wool in hot water will make it shrink.

7. shrink在线翻译

7. One problem with EPDM is that they have been known to shrink in some circumstances.

8. shrink的翻译

8. Under Mi Suoshe contains the clothing coordination to shrink palace element preventing and controlling high to draft the post-natal hemorrhage obviously to surpass Shan Yongsuo the palace element, also to medicine convenient, the not obvious side effect, is the preventing and controlling post-natal hemorrhage method which one kind simple, safe, highly effective, is easy to grasp.

9. shrink

9. Estimated value of the strain is 4.87×10^(-3). The energy stored in shocked powders was released during sintering process. The temperature of maximum shrink rate of shocked sample was about 70℃ lower than that of unshocked one. The strength and density of HA ceramics from the shocked sample can be enhanced obviously.

10. If we could shrink the eaeth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following

11. The central bank s raising of rediscount rate in 2001 caused a sharp shrink of rediscount business, which had a profound impact on the paper market in terms of its operational mode, market scope and development.

12. Employs three-layer Teflon belt cloth feeding that prevents tension happening during the process. This is evidenced highly stretchable knitted fabric where you will find that the cloth will not shrink, and the selvage will not curl up after drying.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. In the shady depth of life are the lonely nests of memories that shrink from words.

14. Mr. Petry then proceeded to explain aspects of our antispam software that I never knew about and that could be used to shrink the spam net.

15. By performing shrink, data in the table is compacted and the high water mark of the segment is pushed down.

16. shrink是什么意思

16. Larry Crabb Christianity Today, A Shrink Gets Stretched, May 1, 2003

17. I suddenly thought that the world is such unkindness, I shrink in the leather glove the finger no longer feel become stiff.

18. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

18. That is what we shrink from, whether before God or in the presence of one another

19. Ypex Patch'n Plug is a specially designed, fast-setting, non-shrink, high-bond-strength, hydraulic cement compound for concrete patching and repair.

20. They are one-hundred percent cotton and will probably shrink a little when washed.

shrink 词典解释

1. (通常指布料、衣服等洗后)缩水,收缩,缩小,皱缩
    If cloth or clothing shrinks, it becomes smaller in size, usually as a result of being washed.


    e.g. All my jumpers have shrunk.

2. (使)缩小;(使)收缩;(使)减少
    If something shrinks or something else shrinks it, it becomes smaller.

    e.g. The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk...
    e.g. Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.

3. (因害怕、震惊或厌恶)退缩,畏缩,避开
    If you shrink away from someone or something, you move away from them because you are frightened, shocked, or disgusted by them.

    e.g. One child shrinks away from me when I try to talk to him...
    e.g. Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall...

4. 畏避,回避(工作、责任等)
    If you do not shrink from a task or duty, you do it even though it is unpleasant or dangerous.

    e.g. We must not shrink from the legitimate use of force if we are to remain credible...
    e.g. They didn't shrink from danger.

5. 精神病学家;心理学家
    A shrink is a psychiatrist.


    e.g. I've seen a shrink already.

6. no shrinking violet -> see violet

shrink 单语例句

1. A report released by China International Capital Corporation showed that recovery was not yet in sight as overseas demand would shrink further.

2. Thailand first floated the idea of rice cartel in 2001 to stave off a shrink in market share caused by higher export price.

3. His analysis must have impressed Catherine because when she is released by the court, she wants to engage him as her shrink.

4. Britain also wants to shrink the powers of a proposed EU foreign minister and change the title.

5. The party also promised to shrink government by enacting regulatory reforms, opening up government enterprises to the private sector and reducing civil service personnel costs.

6. The commission signed off on most of the Pentagon's plans to close, shrink or expand Army and Navy facilities from coast to coast.

7. Low temperatures in air conditioned rooms cause the sweat glands and sebaceous glands to shrink, which can lead to blocked blood circulation and nervous adjustment function disorder.

8. The eurozone crisis is creating serious headwinds for Chinese telecom equipment manufacturers as client orders and consumer demand shrink.

9. Singapore expects its economy to shrink up to 9 percent this year, which would be its worst contraction since splitting from Malaysia in 1965.

10. Chinalco is investing in copper, iron ore and rare earths to diversify as aluminum overcapacity in China shrink profit margins.

shrink 英英释义


1. a physician who specializes in psychiatry

    Synonym: psychiatrist head-shrinker



1. decrease in size, range, or extent

    e.g. His earnings shrank
           My courage shrivelled when I saw the task before me

    Synonym: shrivel

2. become smaller or draw together

    e.g. The fabric shrank
           The balloon shrank

    Synonym: contract

3. reduce in size
    reduce physically

    e.g. Hot water will shrink the sweater
           Can you shrink this image?

    Synonym: reduce

4. wither, as with a loss of moisture

    e.g. The fruit dried and shriveled

    Synonym: shrivel shrivel up wither

5. draw back, as with fear or pain

    e.g. she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf

    Synonym: flinch squinch funk cringe wince recoil quail


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