shrivel [ˈʃrɪvl]  [ˈʃrɪvəl] 


shrivel 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 (因热力,严寒、干燥、年老等而)枯萎,皱缩

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shrivel 相关例句


1. The hot sunshine shrivelled the grass.

2. shrivel

2. He has a shrivelled face.


1. The seedlings had shriveled up a bit in the hot sun.

shrivel 网络解释

1. 起皱纹:shrive 忏悔 | shrivel 起皱纹 | shriven 赦免

2. shrivel

2. 皱纹,褶子(纸病):shrinkage 收缩(率) | shrivel 皱纹,褶子(纸病) | shrunk-on cable 收缩标杆用纸

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 枯萎:antler 鹿角 | shrivel 枯萎 | rub 擦

4. 皱缩;萎缩;收缩;超皱;枯萎:shrinking 收缩 | shrinkproof 不(收)缩的 | shrivel 皱缩;萎缩;收缩;超皱;枯萎

shrivel 双语例句

1. Leaves die, fall, and shrivel. The heat shriveled the unwatered seedlings.

2. If you never give scope to your feelings, you'll shrivel up before you'up before you've forty.

3. To dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture.

4. The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat.

5. The leaves shrivel ed up in the sun.

6. To cause to wither, shrivel, or dry up.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. In the deep winter, natural flowers tend to shrivel; While the flowers of friendship and love stand to bloom fragrantly, as a consequence of watered love.

8. In the deep winter, natural flowers tend to shrivel, while, the flowers of friendship and love stand bloom fragrantly as a consequence of watered love.

9. Mildew may even attack our own hearts, and shrivel our prayers and religious exercises.

10. Half of 223 Samples in 2003 and 80% of 126 samples in 2002 showed shrivel.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词

11. If you are shrivel, just let someone alone.

12. Japan, in contrast, saw productivity growth shrivel in the early 1990s.

13. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

13. Your+wealth, +fame+and+temporal+power+will+shrivel+to+irrelevance.

14. Your+welth, +fme+nd+temporl+power+will+shrivel+to+irrelevne.

15. Shrinkage contributed to an increase in the concentration of basic grape ingredients such as sugar and acid. An appropriate degree of shrinkage was apparently helpful in improving the phenolic content and increasing the antioxidant activity, but the berries that continued to shrivel showed a low antioxidant activity.

16. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

16. Why finial superior from political and business circle feel so shrivel in face of financial crisis?

17. shrivel

17. Were he now to back away from his UN bid, his clout among his own people would shrivel.

18. My middle-aged friend says I should accept the inevitable, let the bones turn brittle, the skin shrivel and sag, the hair grey and thin.

19. Research on Correspondent Relationships of Helicobacter Py-lori Infection at Antrum and Metaplasia at Cardia in Ulcer of Stomach and Shrivel Gastritis

20. Soon it would shrivel away.

shrivel 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 shriveling, shriveled

1. (使)枯萎;(使)干枯;(使)皱缩
    When something shrivels or when something shrivels it, it becomes dryer and smaller, often with lines in its surface, as a result of losing the water it contains.

    e.g. The plant shrivels and dies.
    e.g. ...dry weather that shrivelled this summer's crops.

...a shriveled chestnut...
It looked old and shrivelled.

shrivel 单语例句

1. They usually start high and once they get blocked, they shrivel.

2. That has caused crops to shrivel and led to forecasts of unusually low yields.

3. Americans are feeling strained as their paychecks shrink and their savings shrivel.

4. And millions of Americans have been watching their retirement nest eggs and home values shrivel.

shrivel 英英释义


1. decrease in size, range, or extent

    e.g. His earnings shrank
           My courage shrivelled when I saw the task before me

    Synonym: shrink

2. wither, as with a loss of moisture

    e.g. The fruit dried and shriveled

    Synonym: shrivel up shrink wither


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