sully [ˈsʌli]  [ˈsʌli] 


sully 基本解释


及物动词 玷污,破坏名声

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sully 相关例句


1. Her reputation is sullied by crimes.

sully 网络解释

1. 沙利:aya ) 丹-威尔斯 饰演 莫斯(Moss)主演:布赖特-哈里森 饰演 山姆(Sam) 菲利普-贝克-哈尔 饰演 卢斯(Russ) 阿曼达-朗卡 饰演 派波(Piper) 莎拉-梅森 饰演 丽兹(Lizzy) 艾里克-克里斯汀-奥尔森 饰演 沙利(Sully)主演:森-阿克斯(

2. 萨利:同年,他又在奥斯卡金牌导演罗伯特.本顿(Robert Benton)执导的剧情片<<大智若愚>>(Nobody's Fool)中,饰演一位与他自己年龄相仿、性格倔强的老建筑工人萨利(Sully),悠然自得的老萨利与附近小镇上的居民相处和睦.

3. sully是什么意思

3. 苏利:业心理学部;而在欧洲,欧洲工作与组织心理学会(EAWOP)是该专业的制度化进教育心理学也被认为是发源于韦特默19世纪90年代的诊所,然而实质上这一领域可以说是来自于心理测验学领域先驱者的工作,如美国的苏利(Sully)、法国得比内,以及

sully 双语例句

1. Sully: I don't know.

2. -- You're a funny man, Sully, I like you.


3. You know what your problem is, Sully?

4. Jake Sully:People are gonna help you. I know it.

5. One of them is optimistic, the another one is pessimistic.

6. And boy did that James Sully have a tiny little waist, very broad shoulders and nice tits — when he was ten foot tall and blue and phosphorescent.

7. Since saving 155 lives that day, Sully has received thousands of emails and now has 635, 000 Facebook fans.

8. Since saving 155 lives that day, Sully has received thousands ofemails and now has 635, 000 Facebook fans.

9. Somehow he has an affinity for this place, for the Na'viand for her.

10. Xiexienong! After reading articles in this, I did not immediately return, because I fear that I will return vulgar down sully this rare Internet postings.

11. sully的意思

11. My words are my soul called interest, I need to live in dignity, the same letter is also my dignity products that Department of the letter I thought I name the spark, I Why sully themselves?

12. You don't have to lie, shortchange your customers, sully your good name or cut corners.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. It was also his upbringing, his family bonds, his sense ofintegrity -- and his own losses. Flight 1549 wasn't just a five-minutejourney from LaGuardia Airport to the Hudson. Sully's entire life ledhim to safely to that river.

14. sully

14. Jake Sully: I have already chosen.

15. Hey, Sully, remember when I said I would kill you last?

16. M. Bayle, after having abused all religions, endeavours to sully Christianity: he boldly asserts that true Christians cannot form a government of any duration.

17. I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.

18. Sully has heard from people who say preparation and diligenceare not the same as heroism.

19. sully什么意思

19. I mean I do hope that the fact that I'm interested in in rock and roll isn't perceived by some, as it may well be, to sully the ideals of the Louise Center for the arts and these high-minded things.

20. As a boy, Sully was a classic introvert who felt things deeply.

sully 词典解释

1. 败坏;有损于;使贬值
    If something is sullied by something else, it is damaged so that it is no longer pure or of such high value.

    e.g. The City's reputation has been sullied by scandals like those at Lloyd's...
    e.g. She claimed they were sullying her good name.

2. 弄脏;玷污
    If someone sullies something, they make it dirty.

    e.g. I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.

sully 单语例句

1. But Britney's representatives hit back at the accusations, branding them an attempt to " sully her reputation ".

2. So why allow one or two bad experiences to sully our communications with others?

sully 英英释义


1. charge falsely or with malicious intent
    attack the good name and reputation of someone

    e.g. The journalists have defamed me!The article in the paper sullied my reputation

    Synonym: defame slander smirch asperse denigrate calumniate smear besmirch

2. make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air
    also used metaphorically

    e.g. The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air
           Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man

    Synonym: tarnish stain maculate defile

3. place under suspicion or cast doubt upon

    e.g. sully someone's reputation

    Synonym: defile corrupt taint cloud


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