taint [teɪnt]  [tent] 


taint 基本解释

名词 污点,污名; <废〉气味; 传染,腐败

及物动词 玷污; 败坏; 使变质; 使污染

不及物动词 败坏; 腐坏; 被污染

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taint 相关例句


1. The meat was tainted.

2. Bad books will taint the young mind.

taint 网络解释

1. 污染:认为此举污染(TAINT)其全垒打成就的: 26.1%> 认为此举污染(TAINT)其全垒打成就的: 26.1%> > 认为此举污染(TAINT)其全垒打成就的: 26.1%

2. 污点,败坏,感染:11. fracture 断裂,折断 | 12. taint 污点,败坏,感染 | 13. dissent 不同意,异议

3. 污点:stain污点 | taint污点 | tain锡箔

4. taint的翻译

4. 沾染:taint 污染 | taint 沾染 | tainting by odor 串味

taint 双语例句

1. The recent taint in the honor of Wikipedia stems from the extreme ease which anonymous declarations can be put into a very visible public record.

2. There seems to be a taint of drunkenness in his family.

3. If you stretch because you`re hot to trade, you taint the quality of your results.

4. It's that taint that you feel here, that heaviness of magic.

5. taint的近义词

5. Can we be sure they are free from any taint of disloyalty?

6. taint的反义词

6. He did not know the hidden taint that I had sucked in with my mother's milk.

7. It's just that any outside information you receive about your past could taint the memory recovery process.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. You bear a taint and were there, so they didn't know what to expect.

9. You turn the one decent thing in your life, and you taint it, strip it of all meaning.

10. Go now, and spread the taint as I have shown you!

11. There are two common wine faults with Wine, cork taint and oxidation.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. Although it took place more than 70 years ago, it is still remembered with anger in China, and continues to taint the country's relationship with Japan.

13. The resulting war left ruins and battlefields where the magical taint continues to be felt to this day.

14. It is important so that our own prejudices, biases, and leanings do not taint the relationships, and furthermore, that we recognize our strengths and weaknesses.

15. That policy will have no taint of officialism about it.

16. taint的反义词

16. Destroy this one taint and become taintless, O monks!

17. Housed in dormitories or boarding houses, they remained under the careful supervision of matrons who kept any taint of disreputability from the young women.7

18. Prepare tools: choose wolf writing brush or Dazhulan Brush; use painting and calligraphy ink or prepared Chinese ink and crude Xuan Paper; lie a felt special for painting which convenient for keeping the ink far from absorb and taint.

19. A worse taint than these is ignorance, the worst of all taints.

20. To bring this about, many historians believed they needed to distinguish their discipline from literature so that the taint of literary affect would not mar the objective presentation of facts.

taint 词典解释

1. 玷污,毁坏,损害,败坏(地位、名誉)
    If a person or thing is tainted by something bad or undesirable, their status or reputation is harmed because they are associated with it.


    e.g. Opposition leaders said that the elections had been tainted by corruption.
    e.g. ...a series of political scandals that has tainted the political stars of a generation.

He came out only slightly tainted by telling millions of viewers he and his wife had had marital problems.
...tainted evidence.

2. (地位、名誉的)玷污,污点,瑕疵
    A taint is an undesirable quality which spoils the status or reputation of someone or something.

    e.g. Her government never really shook off the taint of corruption...
    e.g. She could smell the taint of sin in the most innocent of passions.

3. 污染,毁坏(食品、药品)
    If an unpleasant substance taints food or medicine, the food or medicine is spoiled or damaged by it.

    e.g. Rancid oil will taint the flavour.
    e.g. ...blood tainted with the AIDS and hepatitis viruses.

taint 单语例句

1. Not even the frightening gravitational forces of an imperfect landing could taint the rare experience.

2. But Mohammed and human rights advocates have alleged that he was tortured, and legal experts say that could taint all his statements.

3. " Stop the hype and don't taint the next generation, " was one comment.

4. But we are even more disappointed with those trying to taint the people who aren't alive to defend themselves.

5. No one in Japan has ever taken responsibility for these acts, and Japan's view is there is no taint in its history.

6. " It would taint its image as a country that preaches and practices free trade ".

7. The ink was likely to taint the French fries when they were served hot, he claimed.

8. The habit is described as " uncivilized behavior - a taint on the image of the city ".

9. " No one shouted slogans or said anything that would taint the execution, " he said.

10. Why does the Western media continuously try to taint China's image with the Darfur issue?

taint 英英释义


1. the state of being contaminated

    Synonym: contamination



1. contaminate with a disease or microorganism

    Synonym: infect

2. place under suspicion or cast doubt upon

    e.g. sully someone's reputation

    Synonym: defile sully corrupt cloud


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