tattle [ˈtætl]  [ˈtætl:] 


tattle 基本解释

名词 闲谈,闲聊

及物动词 由闲谈而泄露(秘密),在闲谈中说出

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tattle 网络解释

1. 闲聊:变为中间就混合(medley),全部小卒在小巷(alley),各 种小巷有厨房(galley 船上厨房),珍珠无 e 在和谈(parley),脱毛倒置又混杂(motley) 我们焊接(weld)我合并(meld),因 i 焊接是操纵(wield) 小样他闲聊(tattle),我在争斗志(mettle),

2. 无聊话:tatting 编织 | tattle 无聊话 | tattler 说闲话者

3. tattle的反义词

3. 闲谈:taste?blindness味盲 | tattle闲谈 | tattler闲谈者

4. 闲谈,扯淡:rattle发出卡嗒卡嗒声, 喋喋不休 | A train rattled along the track.火车喀嚓喀嚓地在铁轨上疾驶 | tattle闲谈,扯淡.

tattle 双语例句

1. Go on! tattle again, man!

2. tattle的解释

2. Several old copies of TOWN TATTLE lay on the table together with a copy of SIMON CALLED PETER, and some of the small scandal magazines of Broadway.

3. At the news-stand she bought a copy of TOWN TATTLE.

4. tattle的反义词

4. The tattle of my Gold joints, my way of turning Bitches to ripples of silver Rolls out a carpet, a hush.

5. 好好学单词·英语单词

5. Graham: Well it sounds like office tittle tattle to me. I just don't believe it.

6. Tittle-tattle: to talk idly or foolishly; gossip.

7. When they come to tattle I ask them if it's a medical emergency.

8. Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattle.

9. But you're not supposed to tattle.
    够了 但是我们不能打小报告

10. tattle的翻译

10. When kids tattle, they carry the stuffed tail with them for a portion of the day.

11. He is the kind of man who would avoid becoming involved in tittle-tattle at all costs.

12. When all the soldiers are girded for tattle, we will march against the enemy.

13. By the end of the day on Wednesday, appetite for big blocks of CCB stock was waning, in inverse correlation to the tittle-tattle. At best, an everyday tale of cock-up over conspiracy.


14. " Well, go and tattle and see if I care, " replied scarlett.

15. tattle在线翻译

15. Gonna tattle to the cdc?

16. Tattle telling is often what a kid perceives is wrong, NOT what is actually an injustice.

17. Tattle on other employees.

18. " Well, what are you going to do about it? Tattle to suellen? "

19. tattle的反义词

19. Well-directed tittle-tattle may easily causes its victim to lose his or her livelihood.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. In lesser hands Ms Nasar's story might have degenerated into a series of pen portraits: tittle-tattle for the middlebrow.

tattle 词典解释

1. -> see tittle-tattle

tattle 单语例句

1. That seems to be the thinking of Na Ying, who got snarled in a Twitter titter tattle battle with followers on her micro blog.


tattle 英英释义



1. disclosing information or giving evidence about another

    Synonym: singing telling



1. divulge confidential information or secrets

    e.g. Be careful--his secretary talks

    Synonym: spill the beanslet the cat out of the bagtalk blab peach babble sing babble out blab out

2. speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

    Synonym: chatter piffle palaver prate tittle-tattle twaddle clack maunder prattle blab gibber blabber gabble


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