twaddle [ˈtwɒdl]  [ˈtwɑ:dl] 


twaddle 基本解释

名词 <非正>废话,蠢话,无聊话

不及物动词 说废话


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twaddle 网络解释

1. 废话:TV 电视 | twaddle 废话 | twain 一对

2. twaddle在线翻译

2. 胡说八道,瞎扯:waddle (鸭子等)摇摇摆摆地走 | twaddle 胡说八道,瞎扯 | piddle 拖塌地处理(工作)

3. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

3. 废话/闲聊/讲废话:tuyere /鼓风口/ | twaddle /废话/闲聊/讲废话/ | twain /二/两个/一对/


4. 胡说八道:后遗症:Sequela;Aftereffect of | 胡说八道:Twaddle | 护送:Escort

twaddle 双语例句

1. This is all hopeless twaddle that I am saying about her.

2. twaddle在线翻译

2. Third, and most powerfully, it is total twaddle.

3. twaddle是什么意思

3. But better far write twaddle or anything, anything, than nothing at all.

4. They won`t waste it listening to the interviewees` twaddle.

5. twaddle

5. I've never heard such utter twaddle!

6. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

6. They do nothing for it but talk a lot of twaddle two or three times a week.

7. CM: I`m the Republican on the stage, and I think the Republicans are out of their minds to take on this issue. If the country is going to get richer, this will not turn into a huge problem. As more people retire, more of a share of GDP should go to Social Security. If funding gets tight, we can add some consumption taxes to make up the difference. Social Security is a very successful program. It is a reward for work. There`s hardly any fraud. It is a very capitalistic institution that has had good effects. All this talk to change it is twaddle.

8. 好好学单词·英语单词

8. This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right, but I think that's alarmist twaddle.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. This twaddle about the Rue Blomet, Pamela, the barracks, the lancer, had passed before Marius like a dissolving view.

10. Much of this is total twaddle, especially for football and banking.

11. Which means I am now delighted to announce that my 2008 Top Twaddle awards will go forward as usual.

12. twaddle的反义词

12. There is much twaddle spoken about finance and economics.

13. You believe in your own twaddle.

14. I can talk the most superb twaddle for six hours by the clock, watch in hand.

15. twaddle的反义词

15. The last thing the world needs is companies publishing more idealistic twaddle on race.

16. twaddle

16. However, I have just looked in my 2008 twaddle cupboard and found, to my huge relief, that it is almost as well-stocked as usual.

17. The second award is for Economists'Twaddle.

18. Not only are there some very fine twaddle entries from the first nine months of the year, but even in the past three months there has been much to commend.

19. The novel is sentimental twaddle.

20. twaddle

20. Moving on swiftly to the main award categories, I am pleased to announce that the 2006 Gold Medal for Twaddle goes to the advertising agency BBDO Impact.

twaddle 词典解释

1. 蠢话;废话;胡说八道
    If you refer to something that someone says as twaddle, you mean that it is silly or untrue.

twaddle 英英释义


1. pretentious or silly talk or writing

    Synonym: baloney boloney bilgewater bosh drool humbug taradiddle tarradiddle tommyrot tosh



1. speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

    Synonym: chatter piffle palaver prate tittle-tattle clack maunder prattle blab gibber tattle blabber gabble


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