easy [ˈi:zi]  [ˈizi] 


easy 基本解释


形容词 容易的; 舒适的; 宽裕的; 从容的

副词 容易地; 不费力地; 悠闲地; 缓慢地

不及物动词 停止划桨(常用作命令)

及物动词 向(水手或划手)发出停划命令


easy 同义词

easy 反义词

easy 相关词组


1. go easy on : 有节制地消费(对...宽容);

2. go easy : 从容不迫, 安闲;

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easy 相关例句


1. Make yourself easy (=Make your mind easy).

2. easy

2. The rich young woman has an easy life.

3. He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner.

4. easy的反义词

4. It was an easy job and we did it quickly.

1. Be easy !

easy 情景对话



A:Let’s go to Panjiayuan market this weekend.

B:That’d be interesting. Where is it?


A:It’s south-east of the city centre.

B:Is it far? Is it easy to get there?


A:No, it’s not far. It’s about 20 minutes in a taxi.

B:That sounds ok. Maybe we can find some bargains.



A:Hi, Bob! We’ve been working hard at our lessons for a fortnight. So why don’t we take it easy his weekend?

B:Okay! What do you suggest?

A:How about seeing a play? I hear Hamlet is on at the National Theater.
      去看一场戏怎么样? 我听说国家剧场在上演《哈姆雷特》。

B:Is that so? Why not?


A:(Looking at a newspaper.) Oh, dear me! There’s no performance at the National theater this weekend. So we have to go to cinema instead.

B:What’s on?

A:Let me see…um, Gone With the Wind. It is on at six cinemas on Saturday night.

B:That sounds interesting. Which is the nearest?


A:Ah, The Royal, I think.

B:What time does it start?

A:Why don’t we go to the 7:30 show? It is convenient to us, I think.
      我们可以去看7:30 那一场好吗?我想时间很合适。

B:But we won’t have enough time for dinner.

A:Do you want to go the earlier or the later show?

B:Ah… I fancy going the later show.

A:Then, there’s the 9:30 show.
      那就看9:30 那一场吧。


B:That’s Okay, I think.

A:All right.


A:I’d like to help pitch in with? dinner.

B:Really? You’re joking.


A:No. I’d like to do something special for you on your birthday.

B:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first.


A:OK…Now how can I help, hon??

B:Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.

A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done.

B:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.

A:How many potatoes do you need?


B:Three. And bring four bell peppers?.


A:Gotcha?… OK. Here they are.


B:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat.


A:Where’s the peeler?

B:It’s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t work.

A:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger.

B:Let me take a look at that… I can’t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital.


A:I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.

easy 网络解释

1. 容易的:作为奥林匹克运动会的主办国是不容易的.(easy) 54. 成年人有时太忙,不能玩耍.(too... to) 55. 老师们认为英语语法不难学.(think) 56. 他给了我很大的帮助,真是不胜感激.(It's ...of sb) 57. 不懂装懂的人总有一天会受到惩罚.(pretend) 58.

2. 简单的:一共有两个难度,简单的(easy)和困难的(hard)两级,差别在困难级的方块有经过旋转,可以用左右方向键转回来.

3. easy:exception analysis system; 异常分析系统

easy 双语例句

1. You know, my friend, it is easy to walk in faith

2. If be to make network promotion before you, rely on group of hair to rely on a station group will link, so ask you to look for a true SEO or oneself person learns to fall, do not regard the person that we get SEO as idiocy, if you received fund, SEO is not equal to group of hair, cannot give family place the thing of need again, still withdraw fund to the family, although likely now network company is very hard, it is not easy to make money, always than be being worn by person jab backbone is scolded be close friends

3. At the end of this book, there is an easy to use reference listing all of the programs, libraries, and important files that have been installed.

4. easy的翻译

4. Easy Installation- Integral valve flanges mate with many different classes of pipeline flanges, satisfying a variety of piping requirements.

5. Easy Installation- Integral valve body flanges mate with many different classes of pipeline flanges, satisfying a variety of piping requirements.

6. It wasn't as easy as the last one, and it was longer than before.

7. easy什么意思

7. For its various usages, it is easy to attack and difficult to be defended with its unique might.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Characterized by its smooth surface, good permeability and low resistance, Easy cleaning needled filter felt is doubtlessly the best choice.


9. The elemental sulphur in leach residue was obtained by a 〓S solution leaching-thermal decomposition process. It is not only simple and easy to reclaim the leach agent, but also high in the recovery of elemental sulphur. Under the test conditions used, more than 99% of leaching efficiency and more than 93% of thermal decomposition recovery of sulphur were obtained.

10. The amino acids on amphoteric ion exchange fiber are easy to be eluted and a small amount of elution reagent is there for needed.

11. It's an easy word and I think it's truely from your heart.

12. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing.

13. That's easy, she said, 8 b N y

14. easy

14. For instance. Perhaps it is because of the reason the light is dim, or the unique efficiency relaxed and releived of the happy joss stick produced in Xizang drifting of Tibet twittering, stay in room soon, people can feel tired out to stand up, sleep soundly and alleviate the pressure completely while being easy very.

15. easy

15. Don't be tension, please take it easy2.If without ther help, we will dead.3.The only important way what you lawing.4.Must be carefully when you use these radioactivity things.5.This matter will be make the price of per tank suddenly rise to $50, then last on several months.

16. Dark spirit is cruel go to get billowy and frequent girl with inspiration, once she is in suddenly pay mad state, everywhere hold tight lives the person asks: Does scabbard of neon of さ of trade of easy ruthenium of drop of prize n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor cut?

17. However, it is easy to fixate on such factors and completely discount factors which we personally control.

18. Men are so pleasant, so easy to please

19. danci.911cha.com

19. Front and inseam snaps make diapering and dressing easy.

20. In the beginning of this hurdle will be the two players who state: that is, to deter and interesting use of God, if you or a player to use with Emei Muji if so, can the shock and awe to lift themselves out state, so that's very easy to kill, but also卓不凡immune or immune外功his strength is not only the public that land mulberry dwarf is the stealth, the clearance is very easy to kill them the same.

easy 词典解释

1. 容易的;不费力的
    If a job or action is easy, you can do it without difficulty or effort, because it is not complicated and causes no problems.

    e.g. The shower is easy to install...
    e.g. It's easy to get a seat at the best shows in town...

Dress your child in layers of clothes you can remove easily.

2. 轻而易举的;自如的;不拘束的
    If you describe an action or activity as easy, you mean that it is done in a confident, relaxed way. If someone is easy about something, they feel relaxed and confident about it.


    e.g. She is laughing and joking and making easy conversation with people she has never met before...
    e.g. He was an easy person to talk to.

They talked amiably and easily about a range of topics.

3. 舒适的;安逸的;无忧无虑的
    If you say that someone has an easy life, you mean that they live comfortably without any problems or worries.


    e.g. She has not had an easy life.

4. (用于批评)不费力的,轻而易举的
    If you say that something is easy or too easy, you are criticizing someone because they have done the most obvious or least difficult thing, and have not considered the situation carefully enough.

    e.g. That's easy for you to say...
    e.g. It was all too easy to believe it.

5. 好听的;悦耳的/好看的;悦目的
    You use easy in expressions such as easy on the ear or easy on the eye when you are describing things that are pleasant and that do not need much effort to be enjoyed or done.


    e.g. The music sounds like an advert—easy on the ear but bland and forgettable...
    e.g. The layout should be clear and easy on the eye.

6. 易受攻击的;易遭批评的
    If you describe someone or something as easy prey or as an easy target, you mean that they can easily be attacked or criticized.


    e.g. Tourists have become easy prey...
    e.g. The World Bank, with its poor environmental record, is an easy target for blame.

7. (钱财等)来得容易去得快
    You use easy come, easy go to indicate that the person you are talking about does not care much about money and possessions.

    e.g. My attitude to money is slightly easy come, easy go.

8. (尤用于他人搬动重物时)悠着点,小心点
    If you say 'Easy does it', you are telling someone to be careful and not to use too much effort, especially when they are moving something large and awkward.

9. 有节制地使用
      If you tell someone to go easy on something, you are telling them to use only a small amount of it.


      e.g. Go easy on the alcohol.

10. 对…别太严厉;对…宽容点
      If you tell someone to go easy on, or be easy on, a particular person, you are telling them not to punish or treat that person very severely.


      e.g. 'Go easy on him,' Sam repeated, opening the door...
      e.g. Be a little easier on yourself and enjoy yourself more...

11. 说时容易做时难
      If you say that something is easier said than done, you are emphasizing that although it sounds like a good idea in theory, you think it would be difficult to actually do it.

      e.g. Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.

12. 别太拼命;放松点
      If someone tells you to take it easy or take things easy, they mean that you should relax and not do very much at all.


      e.g. It is best to take things easy for a week or two.

13. see also: easily

easy 单语例句

1. But it was not easy to convince their agents to let them act in a maiden work.

2. In practice it is not easy to get the balance right between feasible business models and their social impact.

3. But I haven't done that, so it's not as easy for me.

4. But then again, it was easy to be fresh in the morning.

5. The domestic rebalancing toward households buying more of basic Chinese production remains no easy task.

6. By contrast, to limit government cars may not be that easy.

7. Of course, it is by no means an easy task to make the good blessings a reality.

8. For students who have been told the jobs they were offered are no longer there, it is by no means easy to find positions at other companies.

9. The elderly relatives were kind but the younger relatives and friends of the new couple were by no means easy to deal with.

10. Yet, getting one's complaints heard by the right official is never easy.


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