jeer [dʒɪə(r)]  [dʒɪr] 


jeer 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 嘲笑,戏弄

名词 嘲讽; 讥笑的言语

jeer 同义词

jeer 反义词

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jeer 相关例句


1. The crowd jeered him.


1. He jeered at my mistakes.


1. jeer是什么意思

1. I'm tired of your jeers.

jeer 网络解释

1. 嘲笑:jealousy rivalry 嫉妒对抗 | jeer 嘲笑 | jejune 不成熟的

2. 取笑:squeak 短促刺耳声 | jeer 取笑 | fleer 嘲笑

3. 吊横桁的绞辘:jeep 小型航空母舰 | jeer 吊横桁的绞辘 | jelly 冻胶

4. 讥笑:the boys chaffed the french boy about his mistakes in speaking english . 这些孩子们由于那个法国孩子说错了英... | 25、 jeer--讥笑 | your may jeer ; but can you do any better ? 你固然可以讥笑,但难道你就能...

jeer 双语例句

1. Over time, they actually dream of a big robbery case notes, the only stand in their way is the municipal jeer head Yan Yi value?

2. If I were them, I`d jeer me too.

3. I love it when people jeer me.


4. You may jeer, but can you do any better?

5. Please don't jeer at my efforts.

6. jeer

6. You may jeer, but can you do any better

7. It's not polite to jeer or sneer.

8. jeer的近义词

8. When I low under that moment I despite heard him jeer the laughter.........

9. We are all of us, as if by instinct, intolerant of that which is unfamiliar: we resent its impudence: and very much the same principle which prompts small boys to jeer at a straw-hat out of season induces their elders to send missionaries to the heathen

10. Using one thumb to point at others implies one`s contempt or jeer.

11. Don't jeer at the mistakes of others.

12. Don't jeer at the person who came last in the race - it's very unkind.

13. Don't jeer at the mistake of others.

14. Or will you jeer at all you hear?

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. Don't jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.

16. jeer的近义词

16. Don't jeer at the person who came last the race - it's very unkind.

17. jeer的近义词

17. It's very unkind to jeer the person who came last in the race.

18. When the loyal child crawls from the television, that male student frightened unexpectedly makes noise all of a sudden for has also pulled the lamp, the so intense fear caused me to jump all of a sudden from the seat runs away the milk tea shop opposite supermarket entrance, outside the sunlight was beautiful, only then I was panic-stricken, the proprietress this time was grinning jeer me to smile, as if loyal child could not threaten her, let me at that time absolutely terrifiedly think her strangeness was and the flat and thin piece has any relations.

19. The lost armada is his jeer in Love's Labour Lost.

20. Don't jeer at the person who came last in the race - it's very unk in d.

jeer 词典解释

1. 嘲笑;嘲弄;讥讽;奚落
    To jeer at someone means to say or shout rude and insulting things to them to show that you do not like or respect them.

    e.g. Marchers jeered at white passers-by, but there was no violence, nor any arrests...
    e.g. His motorcade was jeered by angry residents...

There was constant jeering and interruption from the floor.

2. 奚落人的话;冷嘲热讽
    Jeers are rude and insulting things that people shout to show they do not like or respect someone.

    e.g. He stared sullenly into space, pretending not to hear the jeers.
    e.g. ...the heckling and jeers of his audience.

jeer 单语例句

1. He says fellow students frequently jeer him in the schoolyard and even adults turn their heads when he walks down the street.

2. Most of her peers would jeer at her for doing what she did.

3. Every time she beat Martin the audience would applaud, and jeer at her defeated opponent.

jeer 英英释义



1. showing your contempt by derision

    Synonym: jeering mockery scoff scoffing


1. laugh at with contempt and derision

    e.g. The crowd jeered at the speaker

    Synonym: scoff flout barrack gibe


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